Taxing People: The Next 100 Years Conference
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The 'Taxing People: The Next 100 Years' conference co-organised by Tsilly Dagan (University of Oxford) and Ruth Mason (University of Virginia), brought together many of the leading scholars in tax law and policy for a two-day interdisciplinary conference at Worcester College.
Papers from 11 contributors and comments from more than a dozen experts interrogated the challenges and opportunities faced by personal taxation with a view to the coming century. At the heart of the conference was a commitment to reconceive the goals of taxation and the role of international taxation, and to consider the potential roles of governments and international institutions in designing a tax system that puts people at its core.
The topics covered by the papers underlined the sprawling and interdisciplinary nature of tax law scholarship and laid the groundwork for rich discussions. Among the challenges addressed by the authors were the fiscal policy implications of globalisation, ageing populations, decolonisation, and advances in technology.
The papers, summaries of which can be found on the website, will be edited and compiled by Professor Dagan and Professor Mason into a volume titled Taxing People: The Next 100 Years, to be published by Cambridge University Press.