New Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies report launched

The Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is delighted to announce that its latest bi-annual report on activity has just been published.  The report details the activity of its 29 research staff, its 41 current research students, the external research grants we hold from the AHRC, ESRC, Leverhulme Trust, British Academy, European Research Council and others. It also provides details of some of our favourite publications.  A key theme is the international nature of much of the research being undertaken with fieldwork being conducted across the Americas, Africa, South East Asia and Australia. Reflecting on the launch of the report Linda Mulcahy, the Director of the Centre said:

It continues to be a privilege to be at the helm of the Centre and to work alongside so many talented people from a large range of disciplines. I see my role as nurturing new talent and projects, supporting the ongoing development of established programmes of work and helping to identify the new areas and debates with which we should be engaging. I am supported in these efforts by an outstanding senior team, a cohort of nine Postdoctoral Fellows and by our many  research students. The recent reorganisation and expansion of our visitors’ programme also means that a regular stream of socio-legal scholars from outside of Oxford has been contributing to our debate and research culture.

The report includes a number of photos from the Centre’s recent 50th birthday celebrations and details of the many capacity building activities it engages with at national level. You can find a copy of the report and read more here.