‘Law in Context’ Early Career Workshop 26-27 June, 2025

The International Journal of Law in Context, the Wolfson Law in Societies Cluster and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies jointly invite early career scholars to participate in a workshop to be held in Oxford, 26-27 June 2025. The purpose of this international workshop is to bring together scholars at a relatively early stage in their careers to support them in developing research projects and preparing publications to submit to scholarly journals in the field of socio-legal studies.
During the workshop scholars will make a presentation, take part in discussion, and receive feedback on their work from senior research staff at the Centre and the editorial team of the Journal. The best papers presented at the workshop will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Law in Context, subject to the normal double anonymous peer review process. The deadline for applications is 25 April 2025.
To be eligible to apply, the submission of a doctoral thesis is expected in 2025 or within the last three years. Applications from inside and outside the UK are welcome. The ten best submissions will be selected and applicants will be invited to the workshop. To make an application you should send a 1500-word extended abstract together with a cover letter with your name and contact information, details about your place of study or work, and the date of your expected or past doctoral submission. Abstracts may be on any contextual work dealing with law and its relationship with other social science disciplines.
Please send applications to admin@csls.ox.ac.uk.
Please note: Meals and accommodation for one night in Oxford will be provided by the organisers. We expect that participants will pay for their own travel expenses.