Iyiola Solanke’s success with IECL’s MoU agreement
Associated people
Iyiola Solanke, Jacques Delors Professor of European Union Law, led on the recent success of the Institute of European and Comparative Law (IECL) signing for a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the European University Institute (EUI).
IECL provides a focus for research and teaching in the fields of comparative law as well as European Union law (both broadly defined) and is at the helm of the Law Faculty's Comparative and European Law Research Group. As an associated specialist unit, the Institute includes within it the Centre for Competition Law and Policy, devoted to research and teaching of competition law and policy at Oxford.
The purpose of this exciting agreement is to enhance academic collaboration between the fields of humanities and social sciences. The five-year MoU will aim to strengthen such collaborations between EUI and the IECL through a diverse range of opportunities benefitting faculty, students, researchers and staff in both institutions.
The partnership will focus on the field of European Union Law. Envisaged activities include promotion of sabbaticals, visiting professorships, visiting fellowships, staff visits in both institutions. The IECL and EUI will work also closely together for the organisation of an exchange programme for researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels, production and promotion of joint workshops, conferences, research collaborative projects and any further academic and scientific events, such as international high-level academic exchange platforms and join executive training.
Visiting periods may be up to 6 months, normally between October and June. Application should be made to the IECL usually by the 20 of April. For more details, please contact Professor Iyiola Solanke.