The Director of the Bonavero Institute, Professor Kate O’Regan, addresses the United Nations 'Human Rights 75’ high-level event: ‘Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’
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On this year’s Human Rights Day (10 December) the Bonavero Institute joined the international community in commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration remains the leading international guidepost for achieving freedom, equality, and justice for everyone and has spawned international, regional and national laws and bodies to defend human rights. On 11-12 December UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights convened a milestone high-level event called ‘Human Rights 75’ in the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland and online, with the participation of Member States, civil society organizations, cities and local governments, human rights defenders, parliamentary representatives, UN entities, academics, experts, young people and artists. The Director of the Bonavero Institute, Professor Kate O’Regan, addressed the event with a video message providing insights as to the history of the Declaration.

You can watch the video of Professor Kate O’Regan via this link: