Data shows undergraduate cohort more diverse than ever 

Group of prospective students standing on the steps of the St Cross Building.
UNIQ students

The latest University of Oxford Annual Admissions Statistical Report shows that the undergraduate population of the Law Faculty is more diverse as a whole than ever before.  

The Faculty strives to widen participation in its undergraduate programme to ensure that the most talented and academically motivated students can study at Oxford, regardless of their backgrounds. This year’s report shows that, of UK students admitted to our undergraduate programmes over the years 2021-23, 34.6% were from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds (an increase of four per cent from 2018-20), and  76.6%  came from a state school background.  

We work hard to try to reach prospective students from diverse backgrounds and traditionally underrepresented groups by running a number of outreach programmes aimed at improving access to higher education for those groups. Each year we run the Law UNIQ programme to bring young people from schools and socio-economic backgrounds who wouldn’t usually consider studying at Oxford to the city to experience life as a student here.   

The Faculty of Law remains committed to ensuring that the undergraduate student body reflects the diversity of the UK and attracting students with the highest academic potential, whatever their background. We aim to remove perceived and actual barriers to entry by continuing our work on access and outreach provision to provide as much support as we can to schools and pupils across the UK.