CSLS Researchers are awarded a new EU Horizon project on Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age
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The CSLS is excited to partner on a new EU Horizon project titled Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age. This large consortium project involves researchers from across Europe and will investigate the relationship between media and new technologies, including AI and social media, and political processes in Europe. We are leading the work package on Media Law and Regulations for Diversity and Pluralism. With vast regulatory changes underway in Europe, this is a very timely and exciting moment to conduct rich empirical research that will directly address these emerging issues.
The consortium is led by the University of Navarra (Spain), with six additional universities participating, along with the European Federation of Journalists (France).
The consortium recently held a launch workshop in Pamplona, Spain. Nicole Stremlau (head of PCMLP), Caitlyn McGeer (CSLS postdoctoral researcher) and Michael Collier (OII DPhil student) presented plans for the Oxford work package and contributed to mapping out the research for the next three years. Further information can be found on the ReMeD website.