CSLS announces an exciting programme of events October-December 2024

The Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is delighted to announce its seminar series for Michaelmas term 2024.  This terms events include seminars on a range of issues from British Conspiricist communities, to Hidden Histories of the Pinochet Case, Mobilising human rights in Poland, Incarceration in India, Child protection and refugees, to Geographical variation in bankruptcy rates.  The majority of our seminars will  take place in the social science building in Oxford and those who join in person are invited to have lunch with us after the seminar.  If you are unable to be with us in person it is possible to join a number of our events online.

In addition to our regular Monday lunchtime seminars CSLS will be hosting a special symposium in collaboration with the Law in Societies Cluster at Wolfson College on the topic of Justice beyond the courts: Music, Testimony, Voice, on the afternoon of Friday 22nd November 2024.  This event which has been organized by Linda Mulcahy, Director of CSLS and Nomi Dave from the University of Virginia, will include presentations from academics, artists, musicians and poets.  The seminar will be followed by a performance by, and conversation with renowned folk singer and song collector Sam Lee, whose work playing with nightingales is regularly features on BBC radio 4.  Booking for these two special events is required.

All events are free and are open to all. You can find out more about all of our events by visiting the CSLS events website.