The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies works on developing links with Chilean Scholars

Professor Linda Mulcahy standing with four Chilean scholars indoors, posing for a group photo. They are in a hallway with posters in the background, smiling for the camera.
Professor Linda Mulcahy, Director of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, with Chilean scholars during her visit to Santiago, where she participated in academic sessions and delivered a plenary at the Chilean Law and Society conference.

The Director of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is in South America this week giving one of the three plenaries at the Chilean Law and Society conference in Santiago. Whilst in Chile Professor Linda Mulcahy has also taken part in a conference on government lawyers at the Catholic University in Santiago and led sessions on designing a PhD programme and advanced methodologies at the Alberto Hurtado School of Law. Reflecting on her time in Chile Linda said:


It was an honour to deliver the plenary at the Chilean Law and Society conference, not least because the organization is in its infancy and this was only their third meeting. It is an incredibly exciting time to be talking to socio-legal colleagues here as discussions are taking place about establishing a pan South American Law and Society Association. We have much to learn from colleagues in a continent which has had a very different experience of Constitution building and use of the legal system from our own.

This trip builds on other initiatives in the Centre which have sought to establish closer links with socio-legal researchers in the global South. Earlier in the year Nicole Stremlau and Caitlyn McGeer obtained British Academy funding for a workshop in Johannesburg, with early career academics from across Africa, which explored socio-legal methodologies and issues in an African context.