Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is successful in securing five years funding from the National Institute of Health and Care Research

The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies is delighted to announce their success in securing a further five years of funding from the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) to continue their collaborative work as part of the Quality, Safety and Outcomes of Health and Social Care Policy Research Unit (QSO PRU). This research unit is a collaboration between the Universities of Kent, Oxford, Leeds, Bradford; the Picker Institute and the Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Operating from 2024-2028, the unit will undertake a range of in-depth research projects around the themes of Patient Experience, Patient Safety, Clinical Outcomes and Complaints Resolution. Staff in the CSLS Access to Justice research cluster, led by Professor Linda Mulcahy, will take the lead on research into Complaints Resolution. This will build on recent work that Linda Mulcahy and Joseph McAulay have undertaken on the routes that NHS patients and their carers take to grievance resolution and the ways in which they negotiate the various dispute resolution avenues available to them. The first output from that research is due to be published in Law and Social Inquiry later this year.
CSLS looks forward to strengthening our existing working relationships with colleagues at the University of Oxford and University of Kent, whilst warmly welcoming new partners from the University of Leeds, University of Bradford and Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to broaden the research and impact of the research.