Call for volunteers - Death Penalty in Russia

Deadline: 15 March 2024

Oxford Pro Bono Publico (OPBP) is looking for research volunteers to assist with a report on the Death Penalty in Russia, by analysing (i) whether international law prohibits capital punishment or its reintroduction once abolished de jure or de facto, and (ii) Russia’s obligations after it withdrew from the ECHR.

The role is to be undertaken between 20th March 2024 to 20th May 2024. Research for this project will approximately require 15 hours of your time. The bulk of the workload is expected to take place before 14th April 2024, though additional work may be needed until the deadline. 

The position is open to University of Oxford graduate students either with a previous law degree or with previous experience in the subject area.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send us your CV to by Friday, 15th March 2024. Please also mention any specific experience you may have that may be relevant to the subject area in your e-mail.  

Do get in touch with us if you have any further queries regarding the project.