Bonavero Institute hosts International Rounds of the Price Moot

The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights hosted the International Rounds of the 17th Annual Price Media Law Moot Court Competition at Oxford between 15-19 April 2024. The International Rounds were back in person for the first time since the covid-19 pandemic necessitated a switch to virtual mooting. This year’s moot problem focused on cutting edge issues in artificial intelligence, media law and freedom of expression.
Competing from across the Asia Pacific, Middle East, South Asia, Africa, Americas and European regions, this year’s competition saw 89 teams participating in total, with 32 teams advancing to the International Rounds.
After a hard fought Final against Singapore Management University, emerging victorious as Champions of this year’s competition were the team representing University of Chicago comprising of Elisabeth Snyder, Inanna Khansa, Zoë Osborn and Vikram Ramaswamy with Inanna Khansa bagging the award for best speaker in the Finals.
The Price Moot has always been more than a moot court competition – although participants had a mooting masterclass delivered by Gayathree KT to brush up on their skills before the preliminary rounds began. Participants this year had the opportunity to attend the Annual Media Law Lecture delivered by Nani Jansen Reventlow titled ‘Free speech, power, and liberation’, engage with Antonia Cherevko and Julia Haas at a Q&A organised by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Representative on Freedom of the Media (OSCE RFoM) on their work in this field, and discuss hot button issues at the intersection of media law, technology and human rights law with the Final Bench judges comprising of Mark Stephens, Kate O’Regan and Juliana da Cunha Mota.
For more information about the vibrant mooting community of judges, coaches, organisers, and of course the founders who keep the Price Moot going, take a look at the brochure.