Which special measure? A guide for adults giving evidence in cases of rape and sexual assault.

Event date
7 November 2024
Event time
12:45 - 13:30
Oxford week
MT 4
Online via Zoom

HHJ David Aubrey KC (formerly the Lead Judge for Section 28)

An illustration featuring a person standing in the center, pondering different forms of communication or presentation methods. Surrounding the person are various scenarios depicted in circular icons: a written document with a pen, a person seated in front of a camera for a recording, two podiums with speakers, and two virtual meetings shown on computer screens.

Natalie Kyneswood has produced an accessible animated video and related leaflet explaining different ways of giving evidence for adult victim-survivors testifying in cases of rape and sexual assault. The resources draw upon her research into the operation of pre-recorded cross-examination in sex offence cases and have been designed in consultation with key stakeholders.

The aim of the video and the related leaflet is to highlight key differences between special measures, to guide special measures conversations and to help adult victim-survivors make more informed decisions about when, where and how they give evidence. Crucially, the resources are designed to show how special measures operate in the context of the courtroom.

Join us for the online launch event for a screening of the video and for discussion about the process of making the resources.

This event will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the fields of criminal justice, sexual offences, special measures, evidence and procedural law, as well as the legal profession, police, CPS, ISVAs and specialist victim support and advice agencies.

Please register for the event to access the Zoom link.