Steven Peers - “Saving Schengen and the EU Immigration and Asylum Pact: Missions Impossible?”

Event date
26 April 2023
Event time
13:00 - 14:00
Oxford week
TT 1
Somerville College

Professor Steven Peers (University of Essex)

For the first seminar of Trinity Term, we are joined by Professor Steven Peers (University of Essex), who will discuss his research on 'Saving Schengen and the EU Immigration and Asylum Pact: Missions Impossible?'.


The seminar will be held on Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 1pm - 2pm (UK time). As always, this event will be hybrid. For those of you in Oxford, please come to Somerville College, Eleanor Rathbone Room (Park Building). A light sandwich will be offered from 12.30pm.


For those of you who want to join online, please sign up to receive an invitation to the webinar. We will send you the Teams link the day before the webinar. Link.

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EU Law