Panel: Provisional Measures as Human Rights Protection: The International Court of Justice as A Court for Human Rights

Event date
9 July 2024
Event time
17:00 - 18:15
Oxford week
TT 12
Members of the University
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights - Sir Joseph Hotung Auditorium

Dr Agnès Callamard, Prof Christine Chinkin, Prof Ratna Kapur

Notes & Changes

This event is open to members of the University, but priority will be given to students and tutors of the Summer School in International Human Rights Law and the MSc in International Human Rights Law. This is an in-person event.  


This event will address the provisional measures dimension of the case brought by the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel in December 2023 (Application of the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip): an original order was delivered by the International Court of Justice in The Hague (Jan. 26, 2024), which was modified on a separate occasion (March 28, 2024) and once again by the Court (May 24, 2024). By focusing on the previous human rights contexts in which the Court has ordered provisional measures, the event will consider the International Court of Justice as a ‘human rights court’ with panellists working through the substance of the various orders—what was asked for, what was provided by the Court—and critically engaging what the Court has done, can do and cannot do on such occasions.

About the speakers

The discussion will be moderated by Professor Dino Kritsiotis and feature these panellists:

Dr Agnès Callamard, Secretary-General of Amnesty International

Prof Christine Chinkin, Emerita Professor of International Law, Professorial Research Fellow and Founding Director of the Centre of Women Peace & Security at LSE

Prof Ratna Kapur, Professor of International Law at Queen Mary University of London 

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Human Rights Law