Join the Faculty of Law at the Oxford Legal Walk 2023

Event date
5 July 2023
Event time
16:30 - 19:00
Oxford week
TT 11
Faculty Members
Members of the University
Postgraduate Students
Undergraduate Students

Notes & Changes

Everyone at the Faculty of Law (+ friends) is welcome to join our team the 2023 Oxford Legal Walk! 

The Walk welcomes anybody who believes in the cause of supporting access to justice in and around Oxford.

Please sign up here

Oxford Legal Walk 2023

The Oxford Legal Walk (Oxford Legal Walk 2023 - London Legal Support Trust - LLST) is a 10km sponsored walk to raise vital funds for the provision of free legal advice in Oxford. 100% of the funds raised go directly to local legal advice agencies.

Oxford Legal Walk banner with image showing walkers in front of Oxford Combined Court


You will be walking shoulder to shoulder with fellow members of the Oxford legal community. Judges, law firms, barristers chambers, advice agencies, in house legal departments, and university law groups will walk in unison, before enjoying a refreshing drinks reception provided by LLST.

Demand for legal advice services has risen dramatically over the past year. The rising cost of living has heaped immense pressure on legal advice agencies who are struggling to cope with such unprecedented demand. We believe everybody should be able to receive legal advice when they need it most. By joining the Oxford Legal Walk, you can help to ensure the people of your community have fair access to justice, and the beneficiary agencies can keep the lights on and the doors open for the people who need them most.


There is no entry fee for the Walk. However, the organisers encourage each walker to donate a minimum of £10 to kickstart the fundraising.

Here is the our fundraising page - please share with your networks. 

The Route

Walkers are encouraged to gather at the Oxford Combined Court at around 4.30pm for a 5-5.30pm start. The 10km Walk lasts approximately 2 hours, and the drinks reception approximately 1 hour. The event is expected to finish around 8.30pm.

The walk is a scenic 10km taking us through Christ Church meadow, up to Iffley lock, and back along the river. 

If you have any access requirements please don't hesitate to contact the organisers 

You may view the route map here