Of Grief and Grievance: Towards a Framework of Rights and Accountability for the Deaths of People on the Move - Catriona Jarvis (The Last Rights)

Event date
22 May 2024
Event time
12:00 - 13:00
Oxford week
TT 5

Catriona Jarvis (Co-Convener and Founder of the Last Rights Project; former judge of the UK Upper Tribunal)

Catriona Jarvis (The Last Rights) will present "Of Grief and Grievance: Towards a Framework of Rights and Accountability for the Deaths of People on the Move". The Last Rights project (http://www.lastrights.net/) is creating a new framework of respect for the rights of missing and dead refugees and migrants and bereaved family members, to transform research and legal principles into deliverable, real benefits and respect for human rights. A practical view on things should always inspire academic research, so we are very happy to welcome on this occasion the representative of an organisation that is doing massive work on the ground.

The seminar will be held exclusively online on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 1pm - 2pm (UK time). Please sign up to receive an invitation to the webinar. We will send you the Teams link the day before. 

Looking forwarding to seeing you all online! 

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EU Law