FJDG Annual Workshop: The Personal is Political

Event date
30 May 2023
Event time
10:00 - 17:00
Oxford week
TT 6
St Hilda's College

Professor Sara Cohen Shabot, Associate Professor, University of Haifa

Notes & Changes

This event will be hybrid. Please register here for attendance.

The University of Oxford FJDG is back with its Annual Workshop on Tuesday 30th May 2023!

It has been over four decades since Carol Hanisch coined the slogan “the personal is political;” a slogan that became the hallmark of contemporary feminism. This phrase challenged the existing public-private divide, and became the cornerstone of second-wave feminism. The underpinning ideas of this slogan allowed for many advances regarding women’s and LGTBQI+ rights. But in recent years, we have witnessed a backlash against some of the rights that had been recognised. Achievements we thought were settled, are now under attack: the right to abortion, homosexual marriage, or withdrawal from regional human rights treaties. At the same time, rapid changes in society are demanding more exploration on new areas. This is either because these have not been explored enough, such as birthing rights, or because new developments are creating new scenarios, like the proliferation of technology. Therefore, “the personal is political” is a slogan that is still more present than ever.

The FJDG is pleased to be holding its third Annual Workshop on Tuesday 30th May, with a keynote speech and student presentations centred on the theme of 'the personal is political'. 

The structure for the Workshop will be as follows: 
10am - Welcome remarks by FJDG convenors 
10:15am - Keynote speech and Q&A by Professor Sara Cohen Shabot 
12pm - Lunch break 
12:45pm - 3pm - Researcher presentations (x3)
3pm - Refreshment break 
3:15pm - 4:45pm - Researcher presentations (x2) 
4:45pm - Closing remarks 
5pm - Drinks reception

The researchers and titles of the presentations will be confirmed shortly.

This event will be hybrid, taking place in-person and on Teams. In-person sign-ups will be capped at 25, due to space constraints. The sign-up form will close as soon as the maximum number is reached.

*Please only sign-up for in-person attendance if you are sure that you are able to attend the Workshop in-person: this event is fully catered, and we would like in-person attendees to make the most of this! If you sign-up for in-person attendance but cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances, please let us know as soon as possible.*

Online sign-ups will remain open until 5pm on Monday 29th May. 

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

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