Emily Kidd White (Osgoode Hall): "Thinking about 'Shame and Necessity' in Legal Reasoning"

Event date
23 May 2023
Event time
15:00 - 17:00
Oxford week
TT 5

Emily Kidd White 

Notes & Changes

Abstract: In his groundbreaking book, Shame and Necessity, Bernard Williams speaks to the field of legal theory to criticize its sometimes-shared reverence for certain constructions of the will and notions of intention that echo some deeply held commitments within modern moral philosophy. For Williams,  aying attention to the emotions in ancient Greek tragedy brings into view certain now-dominant philosophical assumptions that send to the margins (or work to obscure entirely) certain ethical or political dilemmas. This paper explores why, for Williams, this represents something of a loss in a textured understanding of ethical life and political phenomenon that extends into modern legal theory.

Emily Kidd White, Assistant Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, presents the sixth paper of Trinity Term 2023: "Thinking about 'Shame and Necessity' in Legal Reasoning".

This seminar takes place in the Bostar Hall, University College, at 3:00pm on Tuesday May 23 (NOTE THE DIFFERENT DAY).



Bostar Hall is reached through University College's Radcliffe Quadrangle. Find staircase 11 and walk past four doors straight to find the room to your left.


This event is open to anyone. No registration needed.

Pre-reading is desirable but not a requirement to attend


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