'In the Boiler Room': Principle and Practice in the Mechanics of Jurisdiction
Event date
30 November 2023
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
MT 8
Members of the University
St Edmund Hall
Thomas Raphael KC
- What really matters in the Court’s exercise of jurisdiction? Does the structure of our law of jurisdiction make sense?
- Are the most important constraints ones of principle, or practical? Or are the two not really distinguishable?
- Which important constraints are unlikely to be obvious to the reader of the standard textbooks, but determinative in real cases?
Thomas Raphael KC will take up these questions in a presentation and discussion on 'In the Boiler Room': Principle and Practice in the Mechanics of Jurisdiction. The meeting will take place from 12.30pm to 1.30pm in the Old Dining Hall at St Edmund Hall, with a light lunch available after the meeting from 1.30pm. Please email any dietary requirements to conflictoflaws@law.ox.ac.uk
This event is generously supported by Twenty Essex