ESRC Funding Opportunity: NORFACE - Democratic governance in a turbulent age
Funder Deadline: 19 February 2019
Call announcement
NORFACE announces a new transnational research programme on democratic governance. The main focus of this research programme will be on understanding the precise nature of the recent turbulence in democratic politics and governance in Europe, how European states can negotiate it and how they can develop strategies to enhance the quality of democratic politics and governance.
Democratic politics and governance in Europe are facing turbulent times. Party systems have crumbled or been substantially changed by new parties, including populist parties, and new social movements. Parties in power at the national and regional levels have called into question constitutional arrangements and guarantees once thought to underpin modern democracies. Such political changes have in part resulted from changes in the nature and form of citizen attachments to government, political parties and democratic procedures. The financial crisis of 2007-08 raised questions about the ability of European governments to provide a framework for economic security and the pursuit of redistributive policies. Government itself has changed significantly over the past quarter century, with a growing role for 'arm's length' agencies and regulatory bodies, international governance structures and private sector organisations.
In light of these developments, the NORFACE network will launch a transnational research programme on the topic of democratic governance. The programme is structured around five of the most important challenges to democratic governance and politics (described in detail in the programme text (PDF) available on the NORFACE website):
1. Inequality and redistribution
2. The evolving politics of threat
3. The democratisation of information
4. Shifting identities and representation
5. The changing authority of institutions
Who can apply
Researchers can submit a proposal on behalf of a project team comprised of at least three eligible research partners based in three or more different countries participating in this NORFACE call. These countries include: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. All partners in a project team must have the interest and competence to undertake social science research within the specified topic of the Governance programme.
Specific national/regional eligibility rules will apply, as specified in the call for proposals. This could mean that eligibility may be defined at the individual or organisational level, depending on the country or funding agency.
How to apply
The call for proposals will be announced on the NORFACE website.
Key dates
The call for proposals is expected to be announced on 3 December 2018, with a deadline for submitting outline proposals on 19 February 2019.
Faculty first draft review: 29th January 2019.
Faculty EOI: 18th January 2019.
These dates may be subject to change.
Further information
Further details of the pre-call are available on the NORFACE website.
This programme will be implemented with the support of the EU and is subject to the signature of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission.