Capital Raising and Finance

This course examines the role of capital raising for entrepreneurs, investors and companies by analysing theory, using cases and financial modelling, hearing from a range of visiting practitioner speakers and taking part in a project following the ‘Connect Theory with Practice‘ approach, which aims to enable students to acquire not only the required theory of the finance instruments and methods but also to develop their execution and modelling skills for interviews and their future career.

The course covers:

1. Finance instruments: Debt (loans and bonds), quasi-equity (shareholder loans, convertible bonds, preference shares), equity (preferred ordinary shares, ordinary shares)

2. Finance methods: Equity and quasi-equity finance: growth capital, IPO (primary & secondary offer), primary (rights issue and capital increase), secondary (follow on), equity linked (convertible bonds) and debt finance: leverage finance, project finance, infrastructure finance.

This is an elective course for MLF students taking the finance stream.