The British Academy Funding Call: Heritage, Dignity and Violence Programme
Funder Deadline: Wednesay 22 May 5PM UK Time
Heritage, Dignity and Violence
The British Academy is inviting proposals from researchers in the humanities and social sciences wishing to develop interdisciplinary projects focused on heritage, dignity and violence. This programme is supported by the UK Government’s £1.5 billion Global Challenges Research Fund.
The purpose of this research programme is to support projects which advance and deepen our understanding of the relevance and importance of the historical context of development, culture(s) and heritage(s) in particular to promoting sustainable peace and preventing violence broadly understood. Tackling these challenges requires a consideration of local cultures, practices, histories and societal norms, and an understanding of how such norms are complex, contextually differentiated and intersectionally experienced. It is often, however, the case that these considerations are not well or fully brought into policy and practice. New approaches that cross sectoral and disciplinary boundaries are vital in achieving a step change in this area.
Eligibility Requirements
Principal Investigators must be based in the UK, however, equitable international collaboration is strongly expected to be detailed in any application. We particularly encourage collaboration with institutions and partners in the Global South and expect to see applications demonstrate fully how researchers from the Global South will be involved as equal partners in the research proposed.
The Principal Investigator and any Co-Applicants must be of postdoctoral or above status, or have equivalent research experience, and hold an established role that will last at least the duration of the grant funded by the British Academy.
All projects must be ODA-eligible. Only proposals which aim to support the economic development and welfare of developing countries will be supported under this call.
Value and Duration
Awards of up to £300,000 are available (and will be offered on a 100% full economic cost basis). Projects must be 21 months in duration and start on 9 September 2019.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted online using the British Academy’s Flexi-Grant® system.
Application deadline: Wednesday 22 May 2019 (17.00 UK time)
Faculty Expression of Interest: 23 April 2019
Faculty 1st draft review: 30 April 2019
Research Services deadline: 15 May 2019
Funder Deadline for Applicants: 22 May 2019