Bonavero Reports Series

Bonavero Reports are published when there is a public call for comment on human rights-related policy or legislative proposals, or to provide research-based expert commentary on pressing contemporary human rights issues in a straightforward and policy-ready manner.

BONAVERO REPORT NO.2/2024 (March 2025): International Human Rights Obligations in Relation to Climate Change

BONAVERO REPORT NO.1/2025 (January 2025): The Absolute Prohibition of Refoulement and Exceptional Circumstances

BONAVERO REPORT NO.2/2024 (March 2024): Climate Litigation in Europe Unleashed: Catalysing Action against States and Corporations

BONAVERO REPORT NO.1/2024 (February 2024): The Non-Punishment Principle and its Implementation in the UK: Proceedings from ‘Different perspectives on the non-punishment principle’ Workshop, University of Oxford, October 2023

BONAVERO REPORT NO.4/2023 (September 2023): Submission to UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) on Human Rights at Work 

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 3/2023 (August 2023): Submission to Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee: Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework 

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 2/2023 (June 2023): The Illegal Migration Bill: Constitutional Implications 

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 1/2023 (January 2023): The Making of Bills of Rights: Relevant International Human Rights Law Obligations

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 2/2022 (November 2022): Amicus Curiae Brief by Professor Martin Scheinin in the Case of 'Daniel Billy et al. (Torres Strait Islanders) v. Australia' by the UN Human Rights Committee 

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 1/2022 (October 2022): Expert Witness Statement: A Submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the AMIA case ('Active Memory Civil Association v. Argentina')

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 2/2021 (June 2021): The UK Human Rights Act: A Successful Innovation - A Submission to the United Kingdom Independent Human Rights Act Review Panel

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 1/2021 (January 2021): The Development and Application of the Concept of the Progressive Realisation of Human Rights: Report to the Scottish National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 7/2020 (October 2020): A Human Rights and Rule of Law Assessment of Legislative and Regulatory Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic across 27 Jurisdictions

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 6/2020 (October 2020): Codification of Administrative Law in Common-Law Systems: Insights from Australia and South Africa - A Submission to the United Kingdom Independent Review of Administrative Law Panel

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 5/2020 (August 2020): An Overview of Emerging International Human Rights Law Guidance: Promoting Human Rights Compatibility of Government COVID-19 Responses

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 4/2020 (in partnership with the Oxford University Disability Law & Policy Project, July 2020): An Affront to Dignity, Inclusion and Equality: Coronavirus and the Impact of Law, Policy, Practice and Access to Services on People with Disabilities in the United Kingdom

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 3/2020 (May 2020): Assessment of Legislative and Regulatory Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic across 11 Jurisdictions

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 2/2020 (February 2020): Comments on the Human Rights Committee’s Revised Draft General Comment No. 37 on Article 21 (Right of Peaceful Assembly) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 1/2020 (January 2020): The Scope of States’ Obligations under the Inter-American System Concerning the Guarantees of Trade Union Freedom, its Relation to Other Rights and its Application from a Gender Perspective

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 3/2019 (July 2019): Response to the public consultation on the Online Harms White Paper

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 2/2019 (May 2019): Comments on Facebook’s draft Charter for an independent review board

BONAVERO REPORT NO. 1/2019 (March 2019): Written Evidence to the Justice Committee on the Modernisation of Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service





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