Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships

MSc in International Human Rights Law

These scholarships are for candidates from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries applying for part-time Master’s study by distance learning on selected courses offered by UK universities. They are funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth. The scholarship covers course fees and a study support grant to put towards the costs of attending the summer residences. Awards cover the two years of the course.

The availability of the Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships is determined on an annual basis, and the outcome of the funding application for the MSc in International Human Rights Law submitted by the University of Oxford for the course starting September 2024 will not be known until February 2024. However, Oxford University has been successful in securing funding for the MSc in International Human Rights Law since 2012, which, together with contributions from a number of other donors, has enabled us to offer over 50 full scholarships over this period. If our pending funding application is successful, students who fulfil the eligibility criteria will be considered for these scholarships. Those who are successful at the first stage of the review will be invited to submit an application to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.

Candidates for Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships must (a) be a citizen of or granted refugee status from an eligible Commonwealth country or be a British Protected Person and (b) be permanently and continually resident in an eligible Commonwealth country. To check if you may be eligible for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, please visit the Commonwealth Scholarship website and enter your country. 

Eligibility: MSc International Human Rights Law
Special conditions: Status: to check your eligibility, please visit the Commonwealth Scholarship website and enter your country
Value: Course Fees
Study Support Grant
Duration: Full fee liability period
College: Any
Application: Separate application required*

2024/2025 – allocated

Next year available:  2025/2026 (subject to successful funding application)