About Us

Our Staff
Staff at the Centre specialise in theoretically informed studies of law in action and much of our work draws on expertise in interviewing, participant observation, focus groups, surveys, discourse analysis and statistical analysis of data. A large number of associate research fellows and academic visitors also engage in research with the Centre’s staff and contribute to its extensive programme of academic activities.
Our Students

Our staff of experienced Professors, Associate Professors and Post-doctoral fellows are complemented by students who form the largest collection of socio-legal students in one academic unit in the UK. In the informal and relaxed atmosphere of the Centre we teach and supervise graduate research students at both masters and doctoral level. Our students are international in their backgrounds and outlook as well as being diverse in their academic qualifications. They bring exciting and fresh ideas to our research clusters and their commitment and energy contribute substantially to our success. The Centre is also an ideal base for post-doctoral scholars who wish to receive specialist mentoring, develop their projects, gain academic experience, and launch their careers.
Our Core Values
Staff and students at the Centre share a number of core values. We aspire to being a training ground for early career academics and build capacity in the field. We also aim to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all colleagues whatever their gender, age, religion or ethnic identity.
Please find our response to Black Lives Matter movement here.