The Oxford Business and Human Rights Network (OxBHR) aims to provide a forum for critical and interdisciplinary debate on issues of business and human rights. We seek to bring together academics, civil society, businesses, and practitioners for the discussion of corporate accountability for human rights violations. We have organised events that have inter alia addressed important debates on corporate complicity in human rights violations; access to remedy for victims of business-related abuses; developments and challenges in the implementation of corporate respect for human rights; regulatory developments around the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the development of a binding treaty; emerging trend towards human rights due diligence; multi-stakeholder initiatives, disclosure and reporting mechanisms; and developments in (strategic) litigation against corporate (human rights) abuse. We aim to welcome theoretical, doctrinal, empirical, and policy-oriented contributions from all relevant disciplines, covering business and human rights issues across the world and industries. The OxBHR organises public events as well as invite-only meetings to discuss work in progress, draft papers, and grant proposals.
Ayushi Vashisht, Ievgeniia Kopytsia, and Ayako Hatano are the co-convenors of the OxBHR in the 2024/25 academic year. Professor Kate O’Regan is the academic supervisor of the OxBHR.
Please sign up to our mailing list to stay updated about our events and meetings by sending a blank e-mail to oxbhr-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk. If you would like to be considered for presentation or have any ideas for collaboration, please get in touch with the co-convenors
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If you want to learn more about the OxBHR, please listen to Danilo Garrido and Isabel Bernhard presenting the OxBHR at the 2020 online Human Rights Fair.
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Audio recordings
The OxBHR events are run in partnership with the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights. Audio recordings of public events organised by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and OxBHR can be found here.
Video recordings
9 June 2021, Outsourcing and Oversight: How Market Regulation Failure and the Culture of Laissez Faire Led to the Exploitation of Those Who Guard Our Embassies Abroad with James Sinclair; Elise Groulx Diggs; Mustafa Qadri; Lucas Roorda
28 April 2021, Book Launch: Multinational Enterprises and the Law with Peter Muchlinski, John Ruggie, Barnali Choudhury, Surya Deva, Rae Lindsay, John Morrison, James Zhan and Scott Newton
17 March 2021, Treaty-Making in Business & Human Rights: Models for a Binding Instrument with Danilo B. Garrido Alves, Nadia Bernaz and Claire Methven O'Brien
10 February 2021, States, Pharmaceutical Companies, and COVID-19 Vaccine Access with Isabel Bernhard, Michael A Santoro, Robert Shanklin and Zain Rizvi
14 December 2020, Could a New UK Regulatory Body Monitor and Enforce Companies’ Compliance with Human Rights Due Diligence Laws? with Robert McCorquodale, Fiona Gooch, Rachel Chambers and Sophie Kemp
25 November 2020, Modern Slavery and Cannabis: A New Commodity Ripe for Exploitation? with Jenn Larry, Kelly Beker and Jessica Steinberg
18 November 2020, On the Digital Frontline: The Business of Human Rights in Technology with Vidhya Ramalingam and Oliver Goodman
12 November 2020, Business, Human Rights and Transitional Justice with Irene Pietropaoli, Maha Abdallah, Oyeniyi Abe, Jelena Aparac, Nadia Bernaz, Jonathan Kolieb, Marco A. Velásquez-Ruiz
3 June 2020, Criminalising Corporate Conduct with Russell Hopkins
6 May 2020, What Happens When Human Rights Become Management Tools? with Marisa McVey
19 February 2020, Who are the Slaves Among Us? with Monique Villa, Dame Sara Thornton, Jasmine O’Connor and Owain Johnstone
Other resources
Useful materials and links related to our research on mandatory corporate human rights due diligence can be found here.