British Academy - Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2025

Notify Faculty of intention to apply by: 14 August 2024

Funder Deadline: 18 September 2024

The British Academy invites proposals from UK-based researchers in the humanities and social sciences wishing to develop international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences on the subject of just transitions. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.

The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between early career researchers in the UK and elsewhere on internationally focused research projects of an interdisciplinary nature involving the humanities AND social sciences. 

The Academy envisages that the awards made through the Programme will:

  • By such understandings of Just Transitions bring to bear a deeper, more nuanced, and historically aware thinking to the topic;
  • Identify the contributions that could be made to international and national knowledge exchange, practice and policy development in this area and what lessons can be learnt to navigate any future landscape(s);
  • Develop ways of communicating and collaborating in cross-disciplinary and multilingual working in partnership with colleagues internationally.

The lead applicant must be a researcher from the humanities and social sciences and be based at an eligible UK university or research institute. The lead applicant must be of postdoctoral or above status (or have equivalent research experience) . Projects must involve at least one co-applicant based overseas and include a range of humanities and social science disciplines among applicants. 

Value and duration   
Awards of up to £300,000 for 24 months in duration with Full Economic Costing at 80 per cent. Projects must begin in March/April 2025. 

Application process  
Applications must be submitted online using the British Academy's Grant Management System (GMS), Flexi-Grant®.  The deadline for submissions and UK institutional approval is 18 September 2024 (17.00 UK time).  

Faculty of Law & University of Oxford Internal Deadlines

Research Services: 11 September 2024

Expression of Interest: 14 August 2024