10 x Judges for the Legal Research and Mooting Skills Programme

Deadline: 12 noon on Monday 10th February 2025 (Week 4, Hilary Term)

The Bodleian Law Library and the Faculty of Law are seeking to appoint ten judges for the Legal Research and Mooting Skills Programme, which will take place in Week 7, Trinity Term 2025.  The moots are a compulsory aspect of the BA Jurisprudence course and so all undergraduates complete them. 


The role of each Judge is to judge one question each for these moots.  One question will usually mean between 5 and 8 courts (with 4 students in each).  In more detail this work will entail:

  1. Research the moot question, which will be a standard legal problem in either Contract or Tort law (up to 5 hours’ work)
  2. Read and assess students’ written submissions (four per court) which will be uploaded onto Canvas (VLE) the Friday before the moots (1 hour’s work per court) 
  3. Judge the moots in person, which will take place in Week 7 of Trinity Term, and provide informal feedback within the moot court (1 hour’s work per court) 
  4. Write one to two paragraphs of individual written feedback for each student, (to be sent back to the LRMSP co-ordinators by the beginning of Week 8) (1 hour’s work per court)

Duration and hours

Start date: the research into the moot question should commence not later than Monday 2nd June 2025 (Week 6 of Trinity Term).

The moots will take place from Monday 9th June - Friday 13th June 2025 (Week 7 of Trinity Term). When applying please state whether you will be available on all or some of the days.

Date by which the work must be completed: individual written feedback for each student must be returned to the LRMSP co-ordinators by Monday 16th June 2025 (8th Week, Trinity Term). 

Up to 5 hours in total can be claimed for the research of the moot question; and up to a further 3 hours can be claimed per court to assess, judge and feedback on each court.  Judges are assigned a moot question by the LRMSP co-ordinators and are expected to be allocated between 5 and 8 courts each.


The Judges will each report to the LRMSP co-ordinators [Kate Matthews and Nicola Patrick] 



  • Mooting experience (either judging or competing)
  • Be a current graduate student in the Faculty of Law, or hold a postgraduate law degree.


  • Experience of teaching undergraduates (especially in contract and tort)
  • Experience of judging moots, especially previous experience of judging the LRMSP moots.

Your place of work for the moots in Week 7 Trinity Term, will be the St Cross Building. The research may be undertaken remotely in the UK.  

In all cases the work must be undertaken in the UK. 

The hours are in line with the University restrictions on working hours for graduate students.

Please note that you will be required to complete a Right to Work check before starting work. The Law Faculty HR Team will contact you directly to arrange for the appropriate check to take place. What is a right to work check? | Staff Immigration (ox.ac.uk)


This opportunity is open to past and present graduate students in the Faculty of Law, or those who hold a postgraduate law degree. 

Rate of Pay

The work will be paid at £20.38 per hour (which equates to University Grade 7, point 1, including Oxford University Weighting). Payment is on the basis of completed and approved timesheets, which must be submitted to payroll@law.ox.ac.uk by Friday 20th June 2025, for payment on the last working day of the following month.

In addition, paid annual leave will be assumed to be taken in the month in which it was accrued.

How to Apply

A short CV and cover letter should be sent by email to lrmsp@bodleian.ox.ac.uk by 12 noon on Monday 10th February 2025 (Week 4, Hilary Term). Please explain how you meet the requirements for the role and give details of your availability for the moot (9th – 13th June). Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a short online interview.

New applicants must supply the name of their current supervisor or a member of the Law Faculty who may be approached for a reference. 

Enquiries about the project are welcome and may be addressed by email to lrmsp@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

General queries, e.g. about the appointment process, or eligibility, may be addressed to recruitment@law.ox.ac.uk

Guidelines for Faculty members, line managers and students

Work must not commence without a letter of engagement or variable hours contract and a right to work check having been carried out by the Faculty Personnel Officer.

Graduate student engagement opportunities in the Faculty of Law usually fall into one of three categories: Research AssistantGraduate Teaching Assistant; or Blog Editor.

The University guidance on paid work for Oxford graduate students recommends that full-time graduate research students ensure that any paid work should still allow them to spend at least 40 hours per week for a minimum 44 weeks of the year on their studies. Full-time graduate taught students are recommended not to undertake more than 8 hours’ paid work each week during term-time study periods.  There are additional rules for students with visas wishing to undertake paid work. 

Students may not work for their own supervisor without the approval of the Associate Dean for Graduate Students.

Any queries regarding the eligibility of a particular student should be directed to Geraldine Malloy in the Faculty Office.

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