Conferences and Policy Briefs

Here is an overview of conferences, presentations and policy briefs that are related to this project.





ROUND TABLE: Expert meeting on the role of national human rights institutions in prividing access to justice, 21 September, Univeristy of Essex.

Read the meeting agenda and background paper


CONFERENCE: The Transformation of Consumer Dispute Resolution in the EU Conference – 10 & 11 September 2015, University of Leicester.


WORKING GROUP: National Energy Ombudsmen Network (NEON) working group on complaints ofthe future - 1-3 September 2015, Barcelona. 

Read the working group agenda

Read the working group overview


CONFERENCE: Designing Consumer Redress: Making Redress Accessible for Consumer-Citizens - 11/12 June 2015, WMU Edinburgh.

Read the policy brief


CONFERENCE: Law and Society Association: CRN 10 Civil Justice Systems: What do we expect of ombudsmen?, May 2015, Seattle.


CONFERENCE: Trust and empirical evidence in law making and legal process, jointly hosted by the University of Oxford and Notre Dame Law School, St Catherine’s College (Arumugam top floor) Oxford 19-20, June 2015, Oxford.

Read the conference agenda


REPORT: Independent Ombudsmen and ADR providers: building bridges in the energy market was prepared for NEON (National Energy Ombudsmen Network) and presented at the 7th energy forum in London March 2015. 

Read the report


CONFERENCE: Opening speech on plenary session about my research project ‘what do people expect from ombudsmen?’ at The Ombudsman Association Annual Conference, 12/13 May 2015 in Loughborough.

Read the conference agenda


CONFERENCE: SLSA annual conference in Warwick 31 March-2 April, stream organiser (with Petra Mahy): Exploring legal borderlands: Empirical and Interdisciplinary Approaches 


WORKSHOP: 'In-betweens’: Institutions of Accountability Workshop 22-23 April 2015, Bergen. 

Read the workshop agenda


CONFERENCE: ERA –Academy of European Law – ADR & ODR in the EU Implementing the ADR Directive and the ODR Regulation, 5 & 6 March 2015, Trier.


WORKSHOP:  Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement in the Energy Sector 20 February 2015  European University Institute, Florence.

Read the workshop programme




CONFERENCE: Reforming the EU Consumer ADR Landscape: Implementation and its Issues (policy brief from 2014 ADR conference in Oxford) 


WORKSHOP: The Impact and Legitimacy of Ombudsman and ADR Schemes in the UK (policy brief from ombudsmen workshop in Oxford April 2014)  

Read the policy brief


CONFERENCE: International conference on Access to Justice and Legal Services London 19 & 20 June 2014 'Public trust in dispute resolution outside of courts: (empirical) legitimacy of ombudsmen in the UK, different meanings in different settings?’ UCL, London.


CONFERENCE: Law and Society Association: CRN 10 Civil Justice Systems: Mapping public and private dispute behaviour in Europe: What role do ombudsmen play?, May 2014, Minneapolis.


CONFERENCE: Exploring the comparative in socio-legal studies, Oxford 15/16 December 2014.

Read the conference programme




CONFERENCE: Implementing the consumer ADR directive (policy brief 2013 ADR conference in Oxford) 

Read the report


CONFERENCE: 'Ausblick nach Europa: Beispiele aus den Mitgliedstaaten' Option Schlichtung – eine neue Kultur der Konfliktlösung? Wien 28 November 2013.


CONFERENCE: 'The Role of the Ombudsman in Consumer ADR ' at International Symposium The Role of Consumer ADR in the Administration of Justice- New Trends in Access to Justice and Directive 2013/11/EU -Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 22 November 2013.


CONFERENCE: ‘Consumer ADR in Europe’ at The citizen in European Private law: norm-setting, enforcement and choice, Maastricht University, 18 October 2013.
Conference report (published in: European Review of Private Law (issue 3 2014).


CONFERENCE: ‘Why ADR? Challenges for a dispute resolution system that fits EU-27’, Law and Society Association annual meeting Boston 30 May – 2 June 2013.


CONFERENCE: ‘Consumer ADR/ODR: recent experiences in the member states’ at ERA conference: Encouraging cross-border mediation, ADR/ODR: National, European and International Perspectives, Trier 25-26 April 2013.


CONFERENCE: ‘Variations in Efficiency and Performance of EU Consumer ADR systems’ at: Resolving Mass Disputes: ADR and Settlement of Mass Claims, Rotterdam 26 and 27 June 2012.


CONFERENCE: Consumer-to-Business ADR Structures: Harnessing the Power of CADR for Dispute Resolution and Regulating Market Behaviour (policy brief 2012 consumer ADR conference in Oxford)

Read the policy brief





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