Academic Papers & Resources
Academic Papers
Barry J Zimmerman, 'Becoming a Self-Regulated Learner: An Overview' (2002) 41(2) Theory into Practice 64 [see esp p 69 on teaching students to become self-regulated learners]
Paul Ashwin, 'Variation in students’ experiences of the "Oxford Tutorial''' (2005) 50 Higher Education 631
John Biggs, Teaching for Quality Learning at University (Open University Press 2011)
Wendy Beekes, ‘The “Millionaire” Method for Encouraging Participation’ (2006) 7 Active Learning in Higher Education 25.
Karen Wilsona & James H. Korna, Attention During Lectures: Beyond Ten Minutes (2007) 34 Teaching of Psychology 85
Jennifer L Rosato, All I Ever Needed to Know about Teaching Law School I Learned Teaching Kindergarten: Introducing Gaming Techniques into the Law School Classroom (1995) 45 J Legal Education 568
Andrew Williams, Elisa Birch and Phil Hancock, 'The impact of online lecture recordings on student performance' (2012) 28(2) Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 199-213
IT Resources
IT Provision for Staff in the Law Faculty provides information about using IT for teaching and learning, as well as for administrative tasks.
Moodle - a free, online Learning Management system enabling educators to create their own private website filled with dynamic courses that extend learning, any time, anywhere.
Go Animate
Live poll questioning system: (free for up to 40 users).
Also see:
The Weblearn Poll tool can also be used for live polling.
Lectures and Tutorials Surveys
The Faculty’s Lecture Questionnaire can be downloaded from the Weblearn Law Homepage (on left hand menu). You may use it at any of your lectures.
Weblearn also provides a Survey function that can be used from your teaching sites. Instructions for using the Survey function are provided by Weblearn. If the Survey tool does not appear on the sidebar of your Weblearn course sites, go to Site Info, then Edit Tools, and tick the Survey tool to add it. You may also use the Survey tool for college teaching.
Using Weblearn to Enhance Teaching
Course materials for all courses are provided on Weblearn. See Tips for Tutors on the Home page, which includes a basic outline of Weblearn features and shows how to upload documents. You may also request a Weblearn site for your college teaching.
Ted Talk - Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education
Sir Ken Robinson - Educating the Heart and Mind
For more resources see the Oxford Learning Institute’s Resources page.
To suggest a new resource to be added to this page, please contact Lucinda Ferguson.