UN Documents

UNGA Resolution 72/278 'Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union' (22 May 2018)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Interaction between the United Nations National Parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UNGA/A/72/791) (14 March 2018)
UNGA Resolution 70/298 'Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union' (25 July 2016)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Interaction between the United Nations National Parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UNGA/A/70/971) (6 June 2016)
UNGA Resolution 68/272 'Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union' (19 May 2014)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Interaction between the United Nations National Parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UNGA/A/68/827) (2 April 2014)
UNGA Resolution 67/1 'Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels' (24 September 2012)
UNGA Resolution 66/261 'Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union' (29 May 2012)
UNGA Resolution 65/123 'Cooperation between the UN, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union' (13 December 2010)


OHCHR Report to the Council on the 'Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review' (A/HRC/38/25) (17 May 2018)
UNHRC Resolution 35/29 'Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review' (13 July 2017)
Summary of the HRC Panel Discussion on the contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review (A/HRC/35/16) (22 June 2017)
UNHRC Resolution 30/14 'Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review' (1 October 2015)
Opening Statement by Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Flavia Pansieri at the Side Event on the role of Parliaments in the work of the HRC, in particular the UPR (22 June 2015)
UNHRC Resolution 26/29 'Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review' (27 June 2014)
Summary of the HRC Panel Discussion on the contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review (A/HRC/26/CRP.1) (29 May 2013)
UNHRC Resolution 22/15 'Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review' (10 April 2013)


Belgrade Principles on the Relationship between National Human Rights Institutions and Parliaments (2012)
UNCEDAW Committee, Statement on the relationship of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women with parliamentarians (2010)
Paris Principles Relating to the Status on National Institutions (1993)



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