Case Finder Table

Finding relevant case law in the hard copy indexes, citators etc


Current Law Service
(Cw UK 200)

The Digest
(Cw UK 150 E58a3)

Law Reports Index
(Cw UK 150)

All England Law Reports Index

Halsbury's Laws of England
(Cw UK 510)

If you know the name of the case

Start with

Current Law Case Citator 
(from 1947)

Consolidated Table of Cases


The Law Reports Index includes an index of case names, a subject and an index of cases judicially considered.

The index to the All England Law Reports includes a subject index, an alphabetical index of cases reported and judicially considered and an index of legislation judicially considered.


Then go to

Go to relevant case in annual volumes

Relevant subject volume

Check each volume of the Index to Law Reports in turn including the soft bound volumes since 2001 and for the current year

Check the main Index to the All England Law Reports and the soft bound volume for the current year. 
Then go to

Check updates in Monthly Digest and Current Law Week

To update area of law - Cumulative Supplement

Finally, check 

Cumulative Supplement and Quarterly Survey

If you know the subject
Start with 

Subject Index

The Law Reports Index includes a subject index as well as an index of case names, and cases judicially considered..

The All England Law Reports has a two volume subject index.

Halsbury's Consolidated Index

Then go to

Go to relevant case in annual volume

Relevant subject volume


Check the main volumes of the Index and the softback volumes for years since

Daily Updates

Relevant subject volume of the current edition

Then go to

Check updates in Monthly Digest and Current Law Week

To update area of law - Go to Cumulative Supplement

  To update - go to Cumulative Supplement
Finally, check 

Cumulative Supplement and Quarterly Survey


Current Service and Noter-Up

If you know the legislation
Start with

Current Law Citator and Statute Citator


Each law report series will have indexes of case names, subject and legislation judicially considered.

Annual Legislation Index

Consolidated Tables of Statutes and Statutory Instruments

Then go to

Go to relevant case in annual Volume


Check dates of Cumulative or Annual Indexes - use loose parts

Daily Updates

Relevant subject volume of the 4th ed

Then go to

Check updates in Monthly Digest and Current Law Week

   To update - go to Cumulative Supplement
Finally, check    

Current Service and Noter-Up


On this page