2008 - 2009

Humanising’ the Intellectual Property System: Fundamental rights as tools to preserve a fair balance within intellectual property, Assoc. Prof. Christophe Geiger (University of Strasbourg)

Authors, Editors, Originality and Antiquity, Professor Hector MacQueen (University of Edinburgh)

Liability for Keyword Advertising: A Comparative Perspective, Professor Graeme Dinwoodie (University of Oxford)

Academic Freedom and Intellectual Property Rights, Professor Eric Barendt (UCL)

The Term of Copyright and the Size of the Public Domain, Dr Rufus Pollock (University of Cambridge)

Reflections on The Triumph of Music: Copyrights and Performers' Rights in Music, Mr Justice Arnold (Patents Court)

Technology and Law: Cross-cultural Issues Affecting the Patenting Process, Professor Paul Cole (Visiting Professor IP Law, Bournemouth University, and Chartered Patent Attorney, Lucas & Co.)

The Effect of Market Entry on Innovation: Evidence from UK University Incubators, Christian Helmers (Wolfson College, Oxford)

The Challenges of the European Patent System (Bruegel Blue Print, May 2009), Professor Bruno van Pottelsberghe (Université Libre de Bruxelles and Bruegel)

IP Awareness in the UK: The Role of Professional Intermediaries, Dr Robert Pitkethly (Said Business School, University of Oxford)

John Locke, Freedom of the Press and the Boundaries of Authorship, Lior Zemer (Radzyner)

International Arbitration and IP Claims, William (Rusty) Park (Boston)

Lord Hoffmann and the Speculative Claim, David Brennan (Melbourne)

Corporate Financial Governance and IP Reporting Standards, Roya Ghafele (Oxford)

Copyright vs Privacy: Issues of European and Comparative Law”, Bruno Tassone (Teramo)

Does the Sound Remain the Same? An Empirical Study of Bestselling Musical Comositions (1913-1932) and their Use in Cinema (1968-2007)”, Paul Heald (Georgia)

Venturing into Intellectual Property Jointly and Confidentially

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