2000 - 2001

Microsoft & Access to Markets in a European Context

Copyright and the Victorian Internet: Telegraphic Property Laws in Colonial Australia

Access to Genetic Resources and TRIPs

Global Counterfeiting

The Economics of Intellectual Property: A Review to Identify Themes for Future Research

The Never,Ending Story: Prequels and Sequels & The Law of Copyright

Brussels Sprouts: Implementation of the Biotechnological Inventions Directive in the UK

Litigation of Patents in Europe: The Proposed European Patent Litigation Protocol and the Proposed Community Patent

Intellectual Property in UK Firms: Creating Intangible Assets and Distributing the Benefits via Wages and Jobs

Running to Stand Still? Intellectual Property and Value Added in Innovating Firms

Remedies in Intellectual Property Infringement

Measuring the Relative Importance of IPRs in Developing Countries

Queen Anne & the Anarchists: Can Copyright Survive in the Digital Age?

R&D Appropriability in Plant Breeding: Genetic Uniformity and the Role of Intellectual Property Rights

Competition and Investment in R&D and IP: Evidence from Australian Firms

Diffusion and Distribution: The Distributional Impacts of IPR Regimes

Arguing about Domain Names: Nominet's New Dispute Resolution Service

Need Intellectual Property be Everywhere? Against Ubiquity & Uniformity

Beauty and the Beast: Patent Morality and Animal Biotech

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