1999 - 2000

Indigenous Medical Knowledge: the Law and Politics of Protection Overheads

Intangible Assets and the Market Valuation of UK Companies: Evidence from Fixed Effects Models 

The Digital Technology Boomerang: Recent Innovations in IPR Policy and the Scientific Research Community

Intellectual Property and Contract: A Theory of Globalization

Domain Names as Trade Marks?

Restitution as a Doctrinal Underpinning for Copyright Law

The Stock Market value and the Jobs value of British Inventive Activity

Technological Activity and Employment in a Panel of UK Firms

Can Copyright and Freedom of Speech Co-Exist? The European Experience

The First Mover Monopoly: A study on patenting business methods in Europe by Olswang and OIPRC

Do We Have Copyright in What we Speak?

Fair Division of the Surplus from Intellectual Property: How to Allocate Rights to Users and Producers

Copyright in the Arab World

Towards A Doctrine of Fair Use in Patent Law

Should All or Any of the Exceptions to Patentability under the Patent Act - Business Methods, Ideas, Schemes, etc. be Abolished?

Is Traditional Knowledge a Form of Intellectual Property?

It's Clever, but is it a Work of Artistic Craftsmanship? Towards an Economic Interpretation

Plugging the gaps: Ought the common law to develop intellectual property rights?

Some Welfare Implications of International Exhaustion Under Alternative Selling Regimes

The Enforcement of Copyright and Related Rights under the TRIPS Agreement”, “II. The Dispute Settlement Procedure Under the TRIPS Agreement

Constructing a Regulatory Framework for E-Commerce in Europe

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