2012 - 2013

Drawing on a T-Shirt - some thoughts on Fenty v Arcadia Group Brands  Dr Catherine Ng (The University of Aberdeen )

Publishing the Snowden secrets - the Guardian, the government and the people Mr G Millar QC (Doughty Street Chambers)

Implementing fair use in copyright law: the why and the how  Dr Emily Hudson (University of Oxford)

Invalid legislation: the persistent challenges to the implementation of copyright legislation in the United Kingdom  Professor Phillip Johnson (University College Dublin)

Innovation and IP in India – new directions and prospects  Professor Christine Greenhalgh (University of Oxford)

Mass-digital copyright Professor Maurizio Borghi (University of Bournemouth)

From goods to a good Life - Intellectual Property and Global Justice  Prof. M. Sunder (UC Davis School of Law)

How to reshape Treaties without negotiations: Intellectual Property enforcement as a case study of global governance by stealth  Dr Valéria Guimarães de Lima e Silva (Hauser Fellow at NYU )

Pharmaceutical fraud, Intellectual Property Rights, and knowledge governance: A Human Rights perspective  Professor Trudo Lemmens (University of Toronto and Centre for Transnational Legal Studies)

‘The 'EU Patent Package': light at the end of the tunnel or tunnel at the end of the light?  Professor Ansgar Ohly (University of Oxford)

Recent Developments in Canadian Copyright Law: Users’ rights, TPMs, technological taxis and other Canadian stories  Pascale Chapdelaine, Osgoode Hall Law School, Professor Graham Reynolds, Dalhousie University ; Chair: Professor David Vaver, Osgoode Hall Law School, and University of Oxford

Applied literary criticism: The role of the expert in copyright litigation  Professor Mark Rose (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Stowe v Thomas: Uncle Tom's Cabin in Court  Professor Mark Rose (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Two Authors in Court: Alexander Pope and J.D. Salinger  Professor Mark Rose (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Public Science? The Erasure of Property Rights in Global Health Drug Discovery  Dr Javier Lezaun (Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford)

Getting IP Law Changed – Playing Politics  Dr Michael Jewess (Former Chief IP Counsel, BAE Systems)

Patents and the Development Agenda  Dr Matt Fisher (Faculty of Laws, University College London)

Lessons Learnt from the Hargreaves Review of IP and Growth  Dr Roger Burt (Former Senior IP Counsel, IBM)

Digital Technologies, Intellectual Property Reform and Ontological Politics in the Kenyan Recording industry  Professor Georgina Born, Dr Andrew Eisenberg (Faculty of Music, University of Oxford)

Innovation and Legal Reforms in China  Dr Linda Yueh (Department of Economics, University of Oxford)

Error Costs & IP Law Professor Joseph Miller (University of Georgia Law)

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