Project Publications

A combined list of the published outputs from the BioMOD and BioGOV projects is set out below. 

Journal articles

Asquer, A. and Morrison, M. (2022) Editorial: Regulation and Governance of gene editing technologies. Frontiers in Political Science, doi: 10.3389/fpos.2022.1027410

Bicudo, E. and Brass, I. (2022) Institutional and infrastructure challenges for hospitals producing advanced therapies in the UK: the concept of ‘point-of-care manufacturing readiness’ Regenerative Medicine 17(10) 

Bicudo, E., Brass, I. and Carmichael, P. (2022) Point-of-care manufacture of advanced therapies: readiness measures for hospitals, companies, and regulatory agencies. Future Targeted Healthcare Manufacturing Hub, UCL. Available from:

Bicudo, E., Morrison, M., Li, P., Faulkner, A., Webster, A., Mourby, M., and Kaye, J. (2022) Patent power in biomedical innovation: technology governance in biomodifying technologies. Journal of World Intellectual Property 25(2); 473-494.

Morrison, M. and Bartlett, A. (2022) "Making translational value: Identifying ‘good targets’ for clinical research on gene editing and induced pluripotent stem cell technologies". Social Science and Medicine Qualitative Research in Healthcare 2 (December):

Mourby, M., Bell., J., Morrison, M., Faulkner, A., Li, P., Bicudo, E., Webster, A., and Kaye, J. (2022) "Biomodifying the ‘natural’: from Adaptive Regulation to Adaptive Societal Governance" Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Vol 9, Issue 1,

Bicudo E, Faulkner A, Li P. (2021) Digital readiness in 3D bioprinting: software, governance and hospitals’ proto-clinical interfaces. Regenerative Medicine 16(3): 237-252

Bicudo E, Faulkner, A, Li, P. (2021) Sociotechnical alignment in biomedicine: the 3D bioprinting market beyond technology convergence, Technology in Society 66: 1-12

Mahalatchimy, A., Lau, P.L., Li, P. and Flear, M. (2021) Framing and legitimating EU legal regulation of human gene-editing technologies: key facets and functions of an imaginary, Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December 2021, lsaa080,

McKeown, A., Mourby, M., Harrison, P. and Harrison, S. (2021) 'Ethical Issues in Consent for the Reuse of Data in Health Data Platforms'. Science and Engineering Ethics 27, (9)

Stephens, N., Hogle, L., Morrison, M. and Martin, P. (2021) Spatiotemporal readiness is key to preparing regenerative medicine for the clinic. Regenerative Medicine 16(3): 229-235

Takashima, K., Morrison, M. and Minari J. (2021). Reflection on the enactment and impact of safety laws for regenerative medicine in Japan. Stem Cell Reports, 16(6); 1425-1434.

Umemura, M and Morrison, M. (2021) Comparative lessons in regenerative medicine readiness: learning from the UK and Japanese experience. Regenerative Medicine 16(3): 269-282 0.2217/rme-2020-0136

Webster, A. and Terzic, A. (2021) Regenerative readiness: innovation meets sociology. Regenerative Medicine 16(3): 189–195.

Bicudo, E., Faulkner, A.  & Li, P. (2020): Software, risks, and liabilities:  ongoing and emergent issues in 3D bioprinting, Journal of Risk Research, DOI:10.1080/13669877.2020.1848904

Bicudo, E.; Faulkner, A. and Li, P. (2020) Patents and the experimental space: social, legal and geographical dimensions of 3D bioprinting. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology.

Li, P., Faulkner, A. and Medcalf, N.  (2020) 3D bioprinting in a 2D regulatory landscape: gaps, uncertainties, and problems. Law, Innovation and Technology, 12:1, 1-29, DOI: 10.1080/17579961.2020.1727054 

Morrison, M., Mourby, M., Gowans, H., Coy, S. and Kaye, J. (2020) Governance of research consortia: challenges of implementing Responsible Research and Innovation within Europe. Life Sciences Society & Policy 16:13

Mourby, M. and Morrison, M. (2020) Gene therapy regulation: could in-body editing fall through the net? European Journal of Human Genetics 28, 979–981.

Mourby, M. (2020) Anonymity in EU Healthcare Law: Not an Alternative to Information Governance, Medical Law Review,


Book chapters in edited collections

Lim, P.H and Li, P. (2022) “Chapter 4: Patentability of biofabricated human organs: products of nature or products derived from nature revisited”. In N. Hawkins (Ed) Patenting Biomedical Innovation: Eligibility, Ethics and Public Interest. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; Cheltenham; pp69-88

Morrison, M. (2022) “Chapter 15: (Genome) editing future societies” In P. Martin, S. de Saille, K. Liddiard and W. Pearce (Eds) Being Human During covid-19. Bristol University press; Bristol; pp124-131

Li, P. (2021) “Chapter 2: Intellectual Property for Humanity: A Manifesto”. In D. Gervais (Ed.) ATRIP Research Handbook in Intellectual Property. Edward Elgar Publishing limited, Cheltenham; pp.9-36


Other outputs

Morrison, M., Mourby, M., Bicudo, E., Li, P., Faulkner, A., & Kaye, J. (2022). Report from the "Governing Biomodification" (BioGov) End of Project workshop July 2022. Zenodo.

Gardner J. and Morrison, M. (2021) Australia’s medical innovation approach: Is it suitable for regenerative medicine? Open Access Government. December 3.

Morrison, M et al (2021) report from the MHRA Patient Forum on biomodifying technologies, January 2020 (.10). Zenodo. Https://

Morrison, M. and Umemura, M. (2021) “Japan: A case study of national readiness for regenerative medicine”. Sept 07.

Morrison, M. (2021) Building readiness for innovative health technologies. Open Access Government May 17.

Morrison, M. (2021) ‘Prospects for personalised medicine using advanced biological therapies’. Open Access Government. Jan 09.

Bicudo, E.; Faulkner, A. and Li, P. “Bioprinting technology, regulation and intellectual property: a “panel on paper.’” 3DMedNet.

Morrison, M. (2020) ‘Targeted policy support for emerging biomedical innovations’. Open Access Government. June 15.

Morrison, M. (2020) ‘Research using free text data in medical records could benefit from dynamic consent and other tools for responsible governance (Commentary). Journal of Medical Ethics 46(6):

Morrison, M. (2019) ‘The promises and challenges of biomodifying technologies for the UK’. Open Access Government. September 13.

Morrison, M., Mourby, M., Bartlett, A and Bicudo, E. (2019) ‘Biomodifying technologies and experimental space.’ Impact: making connections (Ingenta Connect) vol. 2019, no 1, pages 63-65

Morrison, M. and Asquer, A. Guest editors on an open access special issue on “Regulation and Governance of Gene Editing Technologies (CRISPR, etc.)” for Frontiers in Political Science




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