Written evidence submitted to Justice Select Committee

December 2023

Natalie Kyneswood has submitted written evidence to the Inquiry into the Use of Pre-recorded cross-examination under Section 28 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. See the House of Commons Justice Committee's Call for Evidence. Natalie's submission focuses on the operation of s. 28 for adult victims of rape and sexual abuse ("intimidated complainants" in sex offence cases). 


The Committee will hear of complications with the implementation of s. 28.... However, many of these issues are caused or exacerbated by systemic issues affecting the Criminal Justice System.... Conditions for the expansion and roll-out of s. 28 were certainly problematic, but they should not be used as reasons to withhold, restrict or downgrade the s. 28 procedure.... With investment, careful planning and design, issues with s. 28 can be addressed. Specialist courts may be an effective way of channelling resources where they are most needed in this regard.
Dr Natalie Kyneswood

In February 2024, Natalie provided supplementary evidence to the Inquiry concerning preliminary data on s. 28 and conviction rates in sex offence cases.






On this page

Written evidence on s. 28 and related special measures in sex offence cases