Which special measure? video and leaflet

A guide for adults giving evidence in cases of rape or sexual assault
Still from 'What special measure?' © N. Kyneswood 2024

Natalie Kyneswood is currently co-producing an accessible animated video and related leaflet explaining different ways of giving evidence for adult victim-survivors testifying in cases of rape and sexual assault.

Natalie is designing the video and related-leaflet in conjunction with stakeholders and beneficiaries and Bouncevideo.co.uk.

The video will explain ways of giving evidence at the police stage as well as giving evidence in court. Ways of giving evidence at the police stage are represented in blue, while ways of giving evidence in court are represented in orange.

The aim of the video is to highlight key differences between special measures and to help victim-survivors make more informed choices about if, when and how they use special measures to give evidence. 

The draft video will be fully animated and ready for consultation and feedback in June 2024.

For more information email natalie.kyneswood@csls.ac.co.uk

In the meantime, the following stills give an idea of what the draft video will look like.

Still from 'What special measure?' © N. Kyneswood 2024
  • This still from the video shows the different icons used in the video to explain the different ways of giving evidence.
  • Pictured from left to right is the pre-recorded ABE police video interview; police witness statement; giving evidence in court without special measures; giving evidence in court with screens (shown here as a curtain); live-link from the witness suite; and pre-recorded cross-examination, where the complainant is shown in the witness suite.
Still from 'What special measure?' © N. Kyneswood 2024
  • This still from the draft video shows the courtroom. In this image, the victim-survivor is male and is being questioned by the prosecution barrister. The complainant has decided to give their evidence without special measures - the screen is not pulled round the witness box. 
Still from 'What special measure?' © N. Kyneswood 2024
  • This still from the draft video shows the witness suite. In this image, the victim-survivor is female and is talking to the judge in the courtroom using live-link. There is a supporter with the complainant in the witness suite. 

The final version of the video and related leaflet will be launched in September 2024. These resources will be made freely available to watch on YouTube and to download on the Project Website.