Training Programmes

The Centre for Competition Law and Policy offers training programmes and capacity-building programmes to practitioners, judges, competition officials, academics and students. These programmes are individually tailored and cover the economics of competition law, EU law for competition lawyers and the substantive provisions. For further details please contact the CCLP.

CCLP/UNCTAD Capacity Building Programme for Competition Agencies

The Centre for Competition Law and Policy(CCLP), in cooperation with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) offers capacity building programmes in Competition law. Participants attend lectures and seminars on competition law, visit enforcement agencies and courts and conduct comparative research on competition law enforcement.

Training Programmes for European Judges

As part of its offering of training programmes for judges, the CCLP engaged in the training of judges from the member States of the European Union. The programmes, endorsed and subsidised by the European Commission, focus on private enforcement and the application of economics, policy and law.

Testimonials from participants

‘The training programme in European competition law for national judges has been by far the most profitable training programme I so far have attended. After a very interesting introduction in EU law and economics followed the outstanding main part held by the director of the CCLP Dr. Ezrachi who was able to thrill the listeners even after short summer nights. The quality of the programme makes it suitable for "beginners" as well as for "experts", because even for them it will give an over all view you can not get in the daily case work. In addition to this you get working materials that enable you to fresh up your knowledge as well as deepen it if necessary. Last but not least the programme profits from being located in a beautiful town with good accommodation.’
Volkhard Werhahn, Judge, Civil Court, Leipzig, German

‘The training course for national judges in European Competition Law offered by the Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy is an excellent opportunity for all national judges, whether previously involved in European Competition Law practice or not, to get a glimpse of how fascinating this subject can be, both from a legal as well as from an economic point of view. The very able lecturers, headed by Dr. Ariel Ezrachi, provide an excellent and very thorough overview of Articles 81 and 82 EC and their enforcement, the applicable regulations and guidelines as well as the relevant case law and the economics involved. The case study concluding the course gives the participants a chance for lively discussions of the subjects studied in multi-national groups. Even though there is a lot of material to be studied in one week the course leaves ample time for the participants to get to know each other and Oxford and share not only their views on different legal matters but also a beer in the pub.’
Dr. Christiane Schmaltz, LL.M. (Univ. of Virg.), Judge, Lübeck, Germany

‘Five days in the shadows of the spires of Oxford can be the best way to master Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty. Even those whohave never opened an Economics textbook can understand the down to earth explanations. Nor is it difficult to follow a brief history of the Union and the establishment of the fundamental principles of supremacy and direct applicability by the ECJ. Articles 81 and 82 are dissected thoroughly and the copious ECJ, CFI and Commission case law is presented in a digestible way. The power point presentations, the well-organised file with colourful markers to help you land at the correct spot, and the two handbooks as bedside companions make a formidable task look like a grand adventure.   However, it’s the hypothetical case study which really takes the cake.  The drama unfolds from one day to the other and things become, as Alice in Wonderland said, ‘curioser and curioser’. More details would spoil the plot. The lecturers create a relaxed atmosphere where no one feels embarrassed to ask questions, debate a point or ask for elucidation. To cap it all, one can use the noon break to pop into some colleges, visit churches, step on hallowed meadows or browse in a well-stocked bookshop.  Dinners are lively celebrations of a day well-spent and an opportunity to create long lasting friendships.’
Lawrence Quintano – Magistrate, The Law Courts, Valletta, Malta

'In 2009 I had the opportunity to follow - in the week from 16-20 march - the Training Programme for National Judges in EC Competition Law at the University of Oxford. It has been an inspiring week, thanks in the first place to the clear and interesting lectures that were given by Dr Ezrachi and his colleagues, Prof. Vickers and Prof. Weatherill. They gave us a transparent overall view on the subject of EU competition law, going into detail when necessary to give concrete illustrations of the abstract theories. Although competition law it is a rather complex field, I think they managed to make things clear, thanks to the thorough analytical framework that was handed. The subtle way of committing the participants to the teaching-material by letting us, from the beginning, try to solve a case of which the implications were revealed during the week, completed its success. Of course the pleasant accommodation in the beautiful town of Oxford and the good company of colleagues from all over Europe helped furthermore - together with not typical English sunny and warm weather - to make this a successful week. I can surely recommend the course to colleagues who want to give their knowledge of competition law a solid foundation.'
Bernard Verwayen – Vice president Dutch Administrative High court for Trade and Industry

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