Partner Institutions

A series of collaborative exchanges with Universities around the world.

The first step towards realizing this ambitious goal of a Criminal Justice Hub, we are pleased to announce a series of collaborative exchanges with Universities around the world. Just as crime and justice travel, so too, do ideas. In working with colleagues in Universities from across the world, we hope to support critical intellectual exchange that can work towards imagining and implementing global justice. The institutions below offer informal reciprocal opportunities to our faculty and students for short-term visits, informal supervision and exchange.

University of Leuven, Belgium

The Oxford Centre for Criminology has an excellent relationship with Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC) at KU Leuven in Belgium. LINC and Oxford Criminology welcome visitors from each university to work on one of the following topics: Transitional Justice; Youth Justice; Restorative Justice; Police; Punishment; and Victimology through their respective Academic Visitor programmes. In addition, Oxford Criminology, working with Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group, and LINC will host a biennial 2-day seminar (alternating between the two institutions) on new developments in criminology, human rights and transitional justice, to be launched in November 2017.

If you are interested in finding out more about the programme please contact Professor Carolyn Hoyle or Professor Julian Roberts at the Centre and Professor Stephan Parmentier at Leuven.

University of Melbourne, Australia

The Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne are pleased to announce the launch of a staff-student exchange programme in Criminology. The aim of the scheme is to enable graduate students studying on the Criminology programmes at Oxford and Melbourne to spend periods of time engaged in research at the partner institution. The scheme is principally aimed at doctoral students but it may also be possible for masters students to take advantage of the scheme. Students participating in the programme will be provided with desk space and access to relevant facilities in the host institution. Each institution will also appoint a student host to assist visiting researchers in settling in.

The programme is also intended to facilitate staff exchanges between Oxford and Melbourne for the purposes of both co-teaching and fostering research collaborations.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the programme should contact: Professor Ian Loader or Professor Alison Young.

University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

The Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and the Department of Law (Research Group in Criminology and Criminal Justice) at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona are pleased to announce the launch of a staff-student exchange programme in Criminology. The aim of the scheme is to enable graduate students studying on the Criminology programmes at Oxford and Pompeu Fabra to spend periods of time engaged in research at the partner institution. The scheme is principally aimed at doctoral students but it may also be possible for masters students to take advantage of the scheme. Students participating in the programme will be provided with desk space (where possible) and access to relevant facilities in the host institution. Each institution will also appoint a student host to assist visiting researchers in settling in.

The programme is also intended to facilitate staff exchanges between Oxford and Pompeu Fabra for the purposes of both co-teaching and fostering research collaborations.

Anyone interested in finding our more about the programme should contact: Professor Ian Loader or Professor Elena Larrauri.

University of Monash, Melbourne, Australia

Monash Criminology is pleased to announce a new research initiative in partnership with the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford. The initiative takes the form of a reciprocal exchange programme that will enable staff and postgraduate students from both universities to undertake short informal research visits for projects that deal with the following themes from a global or comparative perspective: border crossing and border control; gender, sexuality and the law; human rights and criminal justice; critical imprisonment studies; race, marginality and difference; cybercrime; and policing. Visitors will be provided with a workspace (where possible), access to relevant facilities, and a host/mentor if appropriate. Depending on the timing of their visit, visitors may also have the opportunity to deliver an informal seminar on their research. 

Please contact Professor Mary Bosworth to find out more about this programme.

We are also working closely with the Anti-Death Penalty Institute in the Faculty of Law at the University of Monash on research on the death penalty in Malaysia. Professor Carolyn Hoyle is developing a programme of research with Sara Kowal and Natalia Antolak-Saper, who are working closely with the Capital Punishment Justice Project (CPJP) in Melbourne.

Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance & Society, Leiden Law School, the Netherlands

The Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford has an excellent relationship with the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance & Society (VVI) at Leiden Law School, the Netherlands. The VVI. There is a strong connection between the VVI and the Centre for Criminology on the themes of borders, border crossing, citizenship, displaced persons and immigration control. Visitors from each university working in these areas are more than welcome to spend some time in either Leiden or Oxford.

Both staff and (post) doctoral/PhD students from both universities can undertake short informal research visits for projects that deal with the above mentioned themes or with policing, transitional justice, (nodal) governance & securitization, access to justice & human rights. Visitors will be provided with a workspace (where possible), access to relevant facilities, and a host/mentor if appropriate. Depending on the timing of their visit, visitors may also have the opportunity to deliver an informal seminar on their research.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the possibilities should contact: Professor Maartje van der Woude or Prof. Mary Bosworth.


The University of Hong Kong


The Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and the Centre for Criminology at The University of Hong Kong are pleased to announce the launch of a staff-student exchange programme in Criminology. The programme is intended to facilitate short informal research visits by staff (including postdoctoral fellows) and postgraduate students for the purposes of fostering research collaborations and training. Visitors undertaking research projects from a global or comparative perspective in the following areas are particularly encouraged: border crossing and border control; cities and community safety; gender and sexuality; media and technologies; drugs; financial crime; crime and the family; criminal justice and policy. Visitors will be provided with a workspace (where possible), access to relevant facilities, and a host/mentor if appropriate. Depending on the timing of their visit, visitors may also have the opportunity to deliver an informal seminar on their research at the partner institution. For more information please see here [].


Anyone interested in finding out more about the possibility should contact: Professor Mary Bosworth or Professor Karen Joe Laidler.



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