Law and Political Economy (LPE) is an approach to legal scholarship – rooted in the idea that politics and the economy are necessarily interrelated, and are products of legal ordering. It questions the constitutive role of law in perpetuating the socio-economic crises of our time, but also asks how legal scholarship can be conducive to a more egalitarian and democratic society. In response to a growing global research community this Group seeks to establish a platform for LPE issues of relevance to the academic community at the University of Oxford.
The Group seeks to encourage discussion across legal disciplines, exploring critical legal perspectives within a legal realist framework to analyse developments in legal scholarship towards increasingly neoliberal commitments. Reconceiving law as constitutive of market and political power, we concentrate on how LPE research may advance perspectives on key societal issues, such as rising inequality and precarity, racialised and gendered injustice, and climate catastrophe. In a series of thematic seminars, we explore what LPE research is and its implications for distinct legal disciplines, including public and private law perspectives.
Aimed primarily at researchers, we seek to bring together a broader LPE community at Oxford, including scholars from varying backgrounds, activists, practitioners and more. The group is open to anyone (including undergraduates) with an interest in LPE issues.
Discussions and Meetings
The group meets on Wednesdays at 5.00-6.15pm online on MS Teams during term-time, with the potential to meet in-person depending on the prevailing COVID-19 advice. For detailed event information, please consult our events page. All events are open to the public.
We welcome offers to lead a discussion, or to present papers or other works-in-progress to the group. Please contact one of the convenors if you are interested in talking to the group or if you have an idea for an informal discussion.
Contact Us
If you would like to join the group’s mailing list, please send a blank email to: oxford-lpe-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk. You can also stay in contact by following our Twitter page (@LPE_Oxford) or by emailing one of the co-convenors below.
Caoimhe Ring, Shruti Iyer, and Jack Head.