Policies and Statements
Statement of Safety Organisation
The Statement of Safety Organisation for the Faculty of Law may be viewed online.
Information Security Policy
The Law Faculty Information Security Policy may be viewed online. Please also note our page about Information Security on-line training.
University Statutes and Regulations
University Statutes and Regulations, and Policies and Codes of Pratice, are listed on the University website.
Staff–student relationships policy
The University Staff–student relationships policy is available on the University Website.
Recording Policy
Short courses policy in the Faculty of Law
Information for anyone considering creating a new short course (e.g. a summer school or executive education programme) is avilable on the Faculty Website.
Microsites Code of Practice (including Programmes and Blogs)
The Faculty's rules and protocols around setting up microsite for research purposes are available online.
This includes the policy related to creating a research programme or hub, and to the creation of a blog.
Conflict of Interest policy
The University's Statement of policy and procedure on conflict of interest is available on the University Website.
Organising Inclusive Events
Best Practice Guide: Developing inclusive conferences - for conferences, moots, lectures and other public events.
Timetabling of Faculty Meetings and Events Policy
As part of its equality, diversity and inclusivity objectives, the Faculty has a policy covering the timing of meetings and events.
Sponsorship vs Philanthropy
A new guide for postholders, approved by the Law Board in January 2025 (SSO required)
Social Media Guidelines
Guidelines outlining the standards the University expects its staff members (including visitors and contractors) to observe when using social media or engaging in any form of online interaction, whilst directly or indirectly associated with the University can be found on the University's main site.
St Cross Room Booking Policy
The St Cross Building Room Booking Policy is issued by the St Cross Building Management Panel. The version posted on our website includes a supplement at the end specific to Law.
For those working in the St Cross and Manor Road Buildings:
Lone Worker Guidance
Guidance for lone workers. Please keep a printed copy of this to hand if you are working alone in the buidling.
24-hour access
There is an FM presence on site at all times when the libraries are open, and during these hours most people should be able to access all doors using their University ID card. (The system updates at least once a week, and if your card will not work, please use the card reader by the Main Reception doors to re-activate it.)
Outside library opening hours, only those with a legitimate need to be on site, and who have confirmed that they have watched the FM Building Induction video, will be granted 24-hour access. Links to the videos are provided as part of your induction.