22 November 2016 The Transformation of Turkish Asylum Policies and Legislation Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Aslıhan Erbaşı Çuhadar , (Visiting Study Fellow
22 November 2016 The Transformation of Turkish Asylum Policies and Legislation Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Aslıhan Erbaşı Çuhadar , (Visiting Study Fellow
18 November 2016 Courting Failure: When Are International Criminal Courts Likely to be Believed by Local Audiences? Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Professor Marko Milanovic, University of Nottingham
18 November 2016 Courting Failure: When Are International Criminal Courts Likely to be Believed by Local Audiences? Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Professor Marko Milanovic, University of Nottingham
16 November 2016 Cyclone–migration–adaptation nexus in the social context of Bangladesh Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Seminar Room 3 Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Bishawjit Mallick, Vanderbilt University Nashville
16 November 2016 Cyclone–migration–adaptation nexus in the social context of Bangladesh Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Seminar Room 3 Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Bishawjit Mallick, Vanderbilt University Nashville
11 November 2016 McDonald v McDonald: the latest word from the Supreme Court on the reach of human rights law into private property relationships Event time 16:00 - 17:30 Venue LR6 New College Speaker(s) Emily MacKenzie, Brick Court Chambers
11 November 2016 McDonald v McDonald: the latest word from the Supreme Court on the reach of human rights law into private property relationships Event time 16:00 - 17:30 Venue LR6 New College Speaker(s) Emily MacKenzie, Brick Court Chambers
10 November 2016 The International Regulation of Offshore Energy Installations Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Professor Maria Gavouneli, University of Athens
10 November 2016 The International Regulation of Offshore Energy Installations Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Professor Maria Gavouneli, University of Athens
09 November 2016 The ICC, The African Court, and Libya: the case of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Event time 17:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room G Speaker(s) Sir Geoffrey Nice QC and Dr. Mishana Hosseinioun
09 November 2016 The ICC, The African Court, and Libya: the case of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Event time 17:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room G Speaker(s) Sir Geoffrey Nice QC and Dr. Mishana Hosseinioun
04 November 2016 Mansfield Human Rights Forum: 'Rights after Brexit' Event time 17:00 Venue Mansfield College Lecture Theatre Speaker(s) Professor Alison Young, Anthony Barnett & Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
04 November 2016 Mansfield Human Rights Forum: 'Rights after Brexit' Event time 17:00 Venue Mansfield College Lecture Theatre Speaker(s) Professor Alison Young, Anthony Barnett & Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
03 November 2016 Reading the Rome Statute – As an Organic Instrument Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, Judge of the International Criminal Court and President of the Trial Division
03 November 2016 Reading the Rome Statute – As an Organic Instrument Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, Judge of the International Criminal Court and President of the Trial Division
01 November 2016 Legal access to international protection in the EU Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Pauline Endres de Oliveira , Visiting Study Fellow
01 November 2016 Legal access to international protection in the EU Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Pauline Endres de Oliveira , Visiting Study Fellow
27 October 2016 The Systemic Qualities of the International Legal Order Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Dr Gleider Hernandez, Reader in Public International Law, Durham University
27 October 2016 The Systemic Qualities of the International Legal Order Event time 12:30 - 14:00 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Dr Gleider Hernandez, Reader in Public International Law, Durham University
26 October 2016 Humanitarian non-state actors and the delocalised EU border of the Central Mediterranean Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Seminar Room 3 Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Paolo Cuttitta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
26 October 2016 Humanitarian non-state actors and the delocalised EU border of the Central Mediterranean Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Seminar Room 3 Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Paolo Cuttitta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
26 October 2016 Human trafficking: the rise (and fall?) of the Strasbourg case law Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room A Speaker(s) Professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour , University of Brighton
26 October 2016 Human trafficking: the rise (and fall?) of the Strasbourg case law Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room A Speaker(s) Professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour , University of Brighton
26 October 2016 Reporting refugees: what a journalist learnt on the migration trails to Europe Event time 17:00 - 18:30 Venue Grove Auditorium - Magdalen College Speaker(s) Patrick Kingsley
26 October 2016 Reporting refugees: what a journalist learnt on the migration trails to Europe Event time 17:00 - 18:30 Venue Grove Auditorium - Magdalen College Speaker(s) Patrick Kingsley
24 October 2016 Refugees or Migrant Workers? A case study of undocumented Syrians in Russia’ (ECtHR 14 March 2016) Event time 16:30 - 18:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room D Speaker(s) Dr Agnieszka Kubal, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
24 October 2016 Refugees or Migrant Workers? A case study of undocumented Syrians in Russia’ (ECtHR 14 March 2016) Event time 16:30 - 18:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room D Speaker(s) Dr Agnieszka Kubal, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
20 October 2016 The Power of the “Invisible College”: Legal Academics in International Criminal Law Event time 12:30 - 13:30 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room F Speaker(s) Nora Stappert, DPhil Candidate, Department of Politics and International Relations
20 October 2016 The Power of the “Invisible College”: Legal Academics in International Criminal Law Event time 12:30 - 13:30 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room F Speaker(s) Nora Stappert, DPhil Candidate, Department of Politics and International Relations
20 October 2016 Brexit: Trade and Treaties Event time 13:00 - 14:30 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Jessica Gladstone, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP
20 October 2016 Brexit: Trade and Treaties Event time 13:00 - 14:30 Venue Old Library - All Souls College Speaker(s) Jessica Gladstone, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP
19 October 2016 International Criminal Justice as Political Strategy: Judicial Extraversion & Agency in Uganda and Colombia Event time 17:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room G Speaker(s) Dr. Yuna Han, European University Institute
19 October 2016 International Criminal Justice as Political Strategy: Judicial Extraversion & Agency in Uganda and Colombia Event time 17:00 Venue Manor Road Building - Seminar Room G Speaker(s) Dr. Yuna Han, European University Institute
19 October 2016 Building structures in Calais refugee camp Event time 17:00 - 18:30 Venue Oxford Department of International Development Speaker(s) Grainne Hassett , Hassett Ducatez Architects and the University of Limerick
19 October 2016 Building structures in Calais refugee camp Event time 17:00 - 18:30 Venue Oxford Department of International Development Speaker(s) Grainne Hassett , Hassett Ducatez Architects and the University of Limerick
18 October 2016 Undocumented immigrants in an era of arbitrary law: the flight and plight of peoples deemed 'illegal' Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Professor of French, English and Jewish Studies Professor of Law , Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
18 October 2016 Undocumented immigrants in an era of arbitrary law: the flight and plight of peoples deemed 'illegal' Event time 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Queen Elizabeth House Speaker(s) Professor of French, English and Jewish Studies Professor of Law , Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA