Visitors' Programme
The Visitors' Programme
Academic visitors are an important part of the Centre's activities and we make a considerable effort to integrate our visitors into the intellectual and social life of both the Centre and the University.

All visitors are entitled to make full use of the University's research facilities and libraries, in addition to attending seminars, lectures and other academic gatherings. We encourage them to make contact with others in their field, both in Oxford and in the wider academic community. We regard our visitors as full members of the Centre’s vibrant community and they are invited to join in our weekly seminar programme. In return, we expect our visitors
- to have a clear research project to pursue while at the Centre;
- to participate in seminars and workshops at the Centre and to give presentations where appropriate;
- to be fully proficient in the use of written and spoken English at an academic level so that they will be able to derive full benefit from the Programme.
The Centre currently has three routes for visitors to join, which are detailed below.
Note on Application Deadlines
Applications are considered by the Centre once per term, in October, March and July. You can send your application in at any time during the year, however, please apply at least two terms ahead of your intended visit. Early applications are encouraged as we cannot guarantee places will be available. All applications will be acknowledged, and then considered at the next termly deadline.
Our application deadlines are by midday UK time on the following dates:
- Friday 25th October 2024
- Friday 21st March 2025
- Friday 4th July 2025
(a) Academic Visitors Programme
This is geared towards visitors who hold academic posts in another university or research institute.
The Academic Visitors Programme is extremely popular, and as such is heavily oversubscribed. In order to cope with demand, we ask that visits do not exceed a period of six months. Visitors are welcome to request an extension to their stay once they are at the Centre, but it cannot always be granted.
Because of financial stringency in the University, we ask our Academic Visitors to make a contribution towards the running costs of the Centre. The Centre charges £450 per month to cover the cost of the Visitors' Programme; this charge entitles the visitor to the use of a shared office (three people). Should the office be fully occupied at the time of your proposed visit, the Centre may be able to offer visitors use of a desk in one of our open plan areas at a reduced rate, £300 per month. If this is the case, further details will be provided upon application. Our experience is that visitors are usually able to include these costs in their own research funding.
(b) University Recognised Student Visitor Programme
Graduate students who are already engaged in socio-legal research may apply for the University’s Recognised Student Visitor status. Each University Recognised Student Visitor will be allocated an academic advisor who can offer general guidance on their area of research. Advisors make themselves available to see recognised student visitors two or three times each term to discuss their work as a colleague would. Applicants may suggest a member of the academic staff whose area of interest would make them suitable for this role.
Recognised Student Visitors are able to progress their research and to gain experience by consulting with our established staff, post-doctoral fellows and students in informal discussions. They also benefit from taking part in Centre and Faculty seminars, meeting visiting speakers and joining in with social events.
The Centre expects each applicant for this status:
- to have a well-developed research project in the broad field of socio-legal studies;
- to provide a clear statement of how her or his work at the Centre would benefit that project.
Recognised Students pay a fee to the Centre; details of the fees are available on the Graduate Admissions website. All Recognised Students are allocated a desk and computer in the open plan area of the Centre. They are entitled to use the University libraries, attend lectures, and study or conduct research in any University department (subject to the agreement of the head of that department).
Please note, recognised student visiting dates must coincide with the University of Oxford term dates.
(c) Visiting Students
We also accept a small number of doctoral students from other universities or research institutes who can demonstrate a substantial benefit from spending time at the Centre but have no sources of funding to pay fees. These students are asked to contribute to the Centre by volunteering as a research assistant for up to six hours a week. Activities in which Visiting Students have been involved in the past include assisting a member of staff with their research or helping to organise academic events. Visiting Students are able to progress their research, meet staff and students,and benefit from taking part in Centre and Faculty seminars. They will be allocated a desk in the open plan area at the Centre. Please note that the competition for these places is extremely high and we can accept only a small number of applicants each year. We expect Visiting Students:
- to have a well-developed research project in the broad field of socio-legal studies;
- to provide a clear statement of how her or his work at the Centre would benefit that project.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate considerable need and are asked to contact a member of staff ahead of time to identify availability of Research Assistant opportunities.
For enquiries please contact Except for visiting students, applicants should avoid contacting individual CSLS staff members.
How to Apply
An application should include the following materials:
- Application form
- A research proposal, approximately one page
- A curriculum vitae of not more than four pages in length
- Names and contact details of two academic referees whom we may contact prior to acceptance of the application
Applications should be made well in advance, preferably two full terms before the proposed start of the visit. Completed applications should be emailed to Please do not send your application to individual members of the CSLS.
We will let you know the outcome as soon as possible and if your application is successful we will advise what the next steps are. If successful, you will be allocated an office space where you can work on your laptop/personal device, or a desk in the Centre’s shared open space if an office is not available.

To be considered for a Recognised Student place please send your initial application directly to the Centre, noting the application timetable below. Your application should comprise:
1. Application form
2. A curriculum vitae of not more than three pages in length
3. A statement letter with a research proposal and explanation of how spending time as a visitor at the Centre would benefit your doctoral project no more than 1000 words
Completed applications should be emailed to Please do not send your application to individual members of the CSLS.
Those applicants accepted for a Recognised student place will then be asked to complete a formal application through Graduate Admissions. Please note, recognised student visiting dates must coincide with the University of Oxford term dates.

To be considered for a Visiting studentship please send your initial application directly to the Centre, noting the application timetable below. Your application should comprise:
- Application form
- A curriculum vitae of no more than three pages in length
- A statement letter with a research proposal and explanation of how spending time as a visitor at the Centre would benefit your doctoral project not more than 1000 words
- A one-page statement demonstrating considerable need and explaining what arrangements have been made with staff members to identify availability of Research Assistant opportunities.
Completed applications should be emailed to Please do not send your application to individual members of the CSLS.