Current Research Students
These students are currently undertaking DPhils at the Centre of Criminology.
Reem Abdalla, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Thesis: Criminology, "Exploring Increased Border Securitization and Detention Centre Expansion in East Africa: A Case Study of the Khartoum Process"
Anu Adebogun, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Thesis: Violence, Socio-spirituality and the Non-Ideal Victim: Exploring How Black Women of Faith Define, Negotiate and Access Justice
Kauther Alhusainy, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Dr Leila Ullrich
Thesis: Citizenship Stripping Trials and the use of International Minority Rights in British and German Domestic Courts
Sara Almohamadi, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Dr Leila Ullrich
Thesis: Injecting an Economic Logic into a Shari'a Based Legal System: policing morality through penalties
Jennifer Aronson, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Judicial Gatekeeping: Junk Science Admissibility in American Criminal Courts
Aimee Clesi, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: A Comparative Exploration of Judicial and Legislative Paths to Death Penalty Abolition in the United States
Amanda Clift-Matthews, DPhil Criminology (Part-time) - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: An exploration of the presumption of innocence in capital drug trafficking cases in Singapore
Etiene Coelho Martins, DPhil Criminology (Part-time) - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Thesis: Field:Crime and the family. Title: Adolescent-to-parent abuse:investigating family experiences and criminal justice practices in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Luiz Dal Santo, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: Mass incarceration at Global Periphery
Bill De la Rosa, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Thesis: Penal Power, Immigration Enforcement, and Noncitizens
Sophie Evekink, DPhil Criminology (Part-time) - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: Seeking 'Justice' for Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Aubrey Favors, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth and Dr Hindpal Singh Bhui
Thesis: Racialised Expectations: How Race Impacts the Experiences and Conduct of Black and Minority Ethnic Prison Officers
Lauren Fox, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Thesis: Invisibility, Narratives, and Disbelief:Understanding the Relationship Between Legal Frameworks and the Life Stories of Women in Immigration Detention
Gonzalo Garcia-Campo, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: In defence of a Democratic Governance of police
Matthew Goldberg, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: Abolition of the Death Penalty in a Digital Landscape: Civil Society Organisations and the United Nations
Tarik Gungor, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Lucia Zedner
Thesis: An analysis of crime and its justification
Laura Haas, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Katrin Mueller-Johnson
Thesis: Moving away from a focus on discipline and power - An exploration of the effects of military service and PTSD as a result from war on prison officers
Frankco Harris, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Thesis: Intergenerational Experiences of Gang and Youth Violence in Bermuda
Ben Hodgson, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: Breaking the Social Contract: Crime, Disenfranchisement and Citizenship in Liberal Ideologies.
Rashid Ismail, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: The Effectivness of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism in Restricting the Inpostition of the Death Penalty
Zarek Khan, DPhil Criminology (Part-time) - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
An English longitudinal study of men's and women's experiences of imprisonment and their resettlement into society
Adam Kluge, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Thesis: Carceral Communities: Serious Offenders, Secondary Stigmatisation, and Collateral Harms of Imprisonment
Elizabeth Kullmann, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth and Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: Penal Power and Bordered Identity in England and Wales: Polish Prisoner Perspectives.
Maya Lahav, DPhil Criminology (Part-Time) - Supervised by Katrin Mueller-Johnson
Thesis: The Nexus Between Trafficking & Technology
Claudia McHardy, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth and Professor Lucia Zedner
Thesis: Parole, Border Control, and Penal Innovation: New Zealand's Returning Offenders Act.
Misha Mir, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: Philosophy of punishment "Utopianising abolition - deconstructing the logics that prevent or permit the imagination of a world without punishment"
Naida Osei, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Dr Katrin Mueller-Johnson
Thesis: Police Perspectives on Sexual Violence Investigation
Marquis Palmer, DPhil Criminology (Part-Time) - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Field: Urban Anthropology. Title: "Navigating Gun Violence: An Urban Ethnography of Black Mobility in a Contemporary Ghetto"
Camila Pelsinger, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Theses: Redefining Public Safety through Participatory Budgeting
Arthur Rizer, DPhil Criminology (Part-Time) - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: Watching the Watchmen: How Do the Police View their Monopoly of Violence Over the Protected and Served?
Emily Roper, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Thesis: Politics A collusion of silences: the role of the EU’s externalisation practices in border violence against migrants in Turkey
Nicholas Santis, DPhil Criminology (part time) - Supervised by Professor Julian Roberts
Thesis: Judicial Criminology and the Practice of Punishment
Maria Serbanescu, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Human Trafficking in Romania and the Family: what is the impact of women's trafficking experiences on their family members and family relationships?
Serene Singh, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Thesis: Cruel and Unusual? Female Death Row Inmates in the U.S.
Eva Maria Spiekermann, DPhil Criminology (part time) - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Thesis: Exploring migrants' practices of resistance at border spaces in Europe
Amy Taylor, DPhil Criminology (part time) - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry and Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: A new model for youth justice? Exploring the theoretical principles underpinning the latest round of reforms to the youth justice system
Vicky Taylor, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Thesis: Asylum policy and borderwork in the English Channel: the case of ‘small boats'.
Leonie Thies, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Dr Katrin Mueller-Johnson
Thesis: The (De-) Construction of Victim Credibility in Sexualised Violence Cases - Institutional Ethnography in the German Criminal Justice System
Lucy Trafford, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Thesis: How do Police Officers work with and respond to the gender dynamics of male and female intimate partner violence perpetration?
María Jesús Valenzuela Suárez, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Thesis: Comparative effects of body-worn cameras on abusive or unreasonable use-of-force within different policing approaches in Chile, Latin America
Iulia-Cristiana Vatau, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Thesis: Therapeutic Justice in Juvenile Drug Courts: Challenging Non-Adversarialism with Insights from Participants in the United States and Chile
Elspeth Windsor, DPhil Criminology - Supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth and Professor Lucia Zedner
Thesis: The Rule of Law vs the Rule of Politics: a Comparative Study of Due Process Safeguards in Court and Tribunal Removal Proceedings.