Hot Seat Scheme in the Helena Kennedy Reading Room

The Helena Kennedy Reading Room, which currently accommodates the Institute’s academic affiliates, research visitors, and student residents, will be able to offer hot desk space to graduate research students with an interest in human rights.

Two hot seats will be allocated daily on a first come first served basis between 8am and 6pm (available seats can be identified via the reading room floor plan). Hot desk space can be booked for a maximum of one week and those sitting in these spaces will have access to the Institute kitchen, and coffee and tea .

More importantly, students will gain a unique opportunity to (peacefully) cohabit with leading academics and practitioners working in the field of human rights. Robust discussion is encouraged, though we do ask that noise within the reading room be kept at low level.

No need to apply for admission to the Bonavero Institute human rights community: just show up and speak to a member of staff. Please sign in using the visitor book located just outside the Reading Room.

Please read the Reading Room Guidelines

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