Graduate Research Residency Programme
Applications for the year January - December 2025 have now closed.
Closing date: 12 noon UK time, Monday 18th November 2024.
The Bonavero Institute is keen to provide opportunities for graduate research students to spend time at the institute in order to build a supportive peer community of students engaged in research associated with the broad fields of human rights, the rule of law and democracy. Under our Graduate Research Student Residency programme, we encourage Oxford graduate students working in human rights law, public law, public international law, the rule of law and/or related fields to work at the Institute for up to one year. You can read about some of our current Resident Students here. The next scheme will run from 20th January 2025 through to 4th December 2025.
Application process - please note applications for 2025 have now closed.
To apply for the 2025 Graduate Research Residency Scheme, please read carefully the information below and send a completed application form,
your CV, and a statement of interest, clearly illustrating how working at the Bonavero Institute would help support your studies and professional development, in a single PDF file with the subject heading ‘Graduate Research Student Residency Application’ to by noon (UK time) on Monday 18th November 2024. You will be notified by Friday 29th November 2024 as to the outcome of your application.
Overview & Purpose of the Scheme

The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights is a dedicated Institute for the study of human rights law in the Faculty of Law, which opened in 2017 at Mansfield College. As one of its strategic goals, the Bonavero Institute seeks to build a community of researchers and practitioners engaged in research broadly related to human rights, the rule of law and democracy at the Institute. The Helena Kennedy Reading Room, an airy open plan space for study, is the home of that community. Desks in the Helena Kennedy Reading Room are allocated to the Bonavero Institute’s Research Visitors, human rights practitioners and researchers engaged on independent research projects while in Oxford and to post-doctoral research fellows affiliated to the Bonavero Institute as well as to Bonavero Graduate Research Residents.
Through the Bonavero Graduate Research Residency programme, the Bonavero Institute seeks to ensure that graduate students enrolled in a research degree at the University of Oxford and working in the broad fields of human rights, public law, public international law and the rule of law have the opportunity to join the Bonavero community. The Bonavero Institute hopes that the programme will foster inter-disciplinary and inter-generational exchange.
Benefits of the Scheme
- Graduate residents are allocated a desk to share with one other graduate resident student in the Helena Kennedy Reading Room at the Bonavero Institute for up to 1 year with access to printing facilities, the tea kitchen and a personal locker;
- Joining the growing international community of human rights researchers and practitioners at the Bonavero Institute; and
- The opportunity to attend human rights seminars and discussion groups at the Bonavero Institute, and to generate ideas for events and programmes.
Expectations of the Scheme
- That you use the allocated desk on a regular basis;
- That as part of the Bonavero community you act courteously, inclusively and thoughtfully towards your colleagues;
- That you bring your own devices to be used over WiFi (OWL or EduRoam). All laptops must have suitable and up-to-date anti-virus software. We may ask to check this on arrival.
- That you become actively involved with events and discussions that take place at the Bonavero Institute;
- That on occasion you help support a concrete event or conference;
- That you, along with staff and existing visitors, take personal responsibility for looking after the facilities afforded to you and keep them tidy and neat; and
- That as a Bonavero Postgraduate Research Resident, you support the founding principles and vision of the Institute.
Selection Criteria
- This scheme is open for graduate students enrolled in a research degree at the University of Oxford working in the broad fields of human rights, public law, public international law and the rule of law.
- Priority will be given to those students who currently have no institutional space for conducting their research work. Where you already have an allocated desk/working space at another Centre or Department, a space at the Bonavero Institute might be offered if a strong case can be made for sitting at the Institute and where you have gained advance agreement from your Centre Administrator. These applications will be considered on a case by case basis.
The Bonavero Institute reserves the right to withdraw a Research Residency, after notice to the Resident, in cases where the Graduate Research Resident has failed in a material manner to meet the expectations outlined above.