All Souls Seminar Series videos

Videos from 2021 and earlier are currently on our archive page.

Book launch of ‘The Blame Cascade: Justice for Victims at the International Criminal Court’ (Oxford University Press, 2024).

Dr Leila Ullrich

University of Oxford

23 May 2024


Understanding women’s legal worlds in Delhi’s rape trial courts

Dr Arushi Garg

University of Cambridge

09 May 2024


What Kind of Order do we Want? Policing, Governance, and the Public Point of View

Professor Malcolm Thorburn

University of Toronto

25 Apr 2024


When Law does Change Policing: the Curious Case of Pre-Charge Bail Reform

Dr Richard Martin, 

London School of Economics

07 Mar 2024


Making Surveillance Public: Why You Should Be More Woke About AI and Algorithms

Professor Marc Schuilenburg, 

Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

15 Feb 2024


"The Persistence of the Punitive turn in Latin America: Conditions and Dynamics"

Professor Maximo Sozzo, 

National University of Litoral, Argentina

18 Jan 2024


“How Minimum Sentences Benefit Offenders—The Case of Suspended Sentences”

Professor Oren Gazal-Ayal,

University of Haifa

23 Nov 2023


Anti-carceral feminist responses to human rights penality in Ecuador and the United Kingdom.

Dr Silvana Tapia Tapia,

University of Birmingham

26 Oct 2023


Prisons and the Military

Professor Dominique Moran,

University of Birmingham

12 Oct 2023


Notes on Democracy, Violence, and the Global Color Line

Professor Vanessa Barker,

University of Stockholm

25 May 2023


"The Theatre of the Trial"

Dr Kate Leader, 

University of York

11 May 2023


‘Race, Refugees and International Crimes: Rwanda’s Role in the Transnational Legal Ordering of Criminal Justice’

Dr Nicola Palmer, 

Kings College, London

27 Apr 2023


'Discovering and Uncovering the Crimmigration Control Apparatus from Within'

Professor Maartje van der Woude,

University of Leiden

2 Feb 2023


‘Our Broken-Windows World’: New Poverty, Law and the Political Economy of Global Dis/Order

Dr Luis Eslava,

University of Kent

19 Jan 2023


Punishing social dangerousness. Criminological positivism and the new notion of criminal responsibility (1870s-1930s)

Michele Pifferi (University of Ferrara)
Leverhulme Visiting Professor,
Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford

10 Nov 2022

Unfortunately, the audio track of the lecture recording is unusable, so we are only able to offer the slide presentation as a short video.

Extradition Law in Canada: A “Shambles of Injustice”?

Prof. Kathryn Campbell,
University of Ottawa

27 Oct 2022

Penality in the Underground: Rebel Groups and the Punishment of Informers

Dr Ron Dudai,
Ben-Gurion University

13 Oct 2022

30 Years [in] solitary:

Dr Sharon Shalev

28 Apr 2022

Halfway Home: Race, Punishment and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration

Professor Reuben Jonathan Miller
Astor Visiting Lecturer Oxford & University of Chicago

03 Mar 2022

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